White culture is tied to Protestant faith

White culture is tied to Protestant faith

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there is absolutely nothing white about jewish religions



you mean....the most the most easily corrupted by jews and basically jew-larping (muh purity obsession) protestant faith

But for argument’s sake, many of the traits or trends that you likely associate with northwestern culture developed concurrently with their adoption of Christianity, I won’t claim its causative, and some of these are meme copes, like yurop is so great because of chartres and the Brandenburg concerti, and those are just two silly examples of something considered quintessentially European that are hard to disentangle from Christianity as a whole, let alone the schisms within Christendom. Didn’t bach end his manuscripts with soli Deo gloria?

It’s not something I’m explicitly take to be a good development, but I don’t understand the desire to divide a group of people who are already pretty atomized as it is

Protestant faith is tied to being a non aryan snownigger

also england is anglican which is far closer to catholic than protestant what a dumb map



Withe culture is Bible, Greek Myth and Rome. Meds did everything of note

Orthodox will always be the chad religion, just be honest with yourselves.

Add a bunch or green in the west region and you will get a more accurate map

White culture spawned Protestantism, not the other way around.
White people's love of individuality and hatred of stagnation and rigid social systems is genetic, not religious.

You're nigger tier retarded, so is op

Protestants used to be a better class of people, but they have been subverted by globo homo.

t. Ex catholic.


prot = anglosphere = jewish = not european

imo the prots had a good balance when the upper class was prot and the masses cath (because protestantism was an upper class thing)

Protestants are retarded. Orthodoxy and Catholicism are the way

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Finns are not white

This map is wrong. We aren't hereticucks

Those are also the most cucked nations so what does that say about protestants?
Europe has been Christian for almost two thousand years.
It is deeply embedded in our identity and culture to the extent that you dont even realise it.
Christianity, in particular Catholicism, is uniquely European as it absorbed a lot of pagan rituals/festivals/customs. It will never disappear, we may as well harness it's influence in a way that is good for us or it will be taken over by globalists and used against us.

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>there is absolutely nothing white about jewish religions

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