
Let’s settle it. Are you a communist, socialist, capitalist, National socialist, fascist, or other? And why?

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Socialist 4 Life My Nigga

American Imperialist.

National Socialism will win

im a neoliberal and a shill for the cia and israel

Nigger I just want to play video games. I hated rightoids when they tried to censor them in the 90’s and 2000’s and I hate leftoids and trannies because they are ruining video games now. My politics are whatever produces the best games.

Buddhist # 1


Communist because my blood demands it

A normal person
Because I'm not 14

I'm a classical liberal. I believe the best political system aims to avoid tragic mistakes rather than usher in utopia. I believe things can be better, but giving in to blinded, naive ideological possession is the quickest road to hell.

Watch the greatest story never told

Im a leave me the fuck alone and dont do degenerate bullshit please kind of guy

stirnerist because it pleases me

I don't care what I am, I just hate niggers.


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Complicated question. In my opinion, the only moral system is libertarianism, letting people have total control over their own lives with minimal forced interference from others.
The world is however more complicated.

Also sage, slide thread..

I'm apolitical, but generally consider myself as a traditionalist reactionary person. The industrial and french revolutions were the biggest mistakes in humankind's history, I'm against hegelian thought and Nietzsche's critiques about christianity accelerated the atheist protest. Basically I'm against this modern world where war is seen as bad when is the sign of strenght of the nations and their men, but as well now this has been lost because of the creation of nuclear weapons. Not a primitivist because I'm against eugenics and don't think whe should drop out technology all of a sudden, but my ideal world is one where people live in wooden houses with their family and use their brains with their soul with all their energies. Once the world would be this natural again, you shouldn't comply about ratial, political or moral problems, because as a consequence all of these would dissapear. I'm against democracy, but prefer it over the oligarchic party system we have right now in Europe, monarchy is the most stable form of government along with feudalism, but you have to cure the people before to change any major stuff. I was back then a fascist, a natsoc to be more specific, but figured out that they were pointing at the wrong direction, having worldviews as ideologies was a fatal mistake and their esoteric influences from Guénon were cringe. Finally communism... well you already know what I think of it and Marx, Lenin and Stalin, right anons?

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Mix between fascist and national socialist. However, have no problems with other whites, including most slavs. Advocate for death camps for niggers. Supporting Ukraine btw.

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National Socialist:
National:Being Patriotitc
Socialist:Using the natural resources as a means of production

I'm none of those. I'm not well read enough and haven't really thought these thing through.

National socialist till I die and after, fren

I think we need to empower local government as much as possible, and central gov only exists as the heads of local gov collectively

I'm just a racist.