I got vaccinated because my mom was gonna get mad at me if i didnt

I got vaccinated because my mom was gonna get mad at me if i didnt

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You literally don't deserve to live then as you aren't even a man.

pussy bitch nigger

Pussy ass leaf

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Same bro, same.

You’re a faggot who deserves to be sterilized

is there even 1 reason why the unclean couldn't sue if something did happen
you get sued for spilling water in borgerland and you want me to believe nobody would sue over that

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hey, Jan from Reddit here. Tell it to me straight guys - are there refunds available for these (free) vaccines? Really having second thoughts here.

me too dude

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my entire family is anti vax and we all have vax cards bc of a family friend who is a nurse. actual id'd amounts of vax were shot into the trash. in all ways except literally my entire family is vaxxed lmao

Pretty much the only rational decision, you might have fallen for russian memes but your parents didn't

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Your going to die and your offspring will have hereditary heart problems.

my mom got mad at me for not getting the vax but I didn't get it anyway.
I failed the 5th commandment.
she's now fine ain't like we're libtards or something

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Nobody cares anymore.

Soon you’ll get a $5 payout from the Pfizer/Moderna class action for your trouble.

But hey at least you’ll have something to pwn Mom with for many Christmases and Thanksgivings to come.

“The news says -“

Shut the fuck up Mom the news said the vaccine you forced me to get was “safe” and “effective” now go in the kitchen and make me a sammich.

lol u got hiv now. you get what you FUCKING deserve LEAF. H O N K !

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Did your mom at least let you fuck her?

Dummy. Better hope you don't die of one of the things on the 9 pages of adverse affects sometime in the next 50 years.

>she's now fine

Dude. I got mad at my mom when she got mad at me over that shit, come the fuck on.

We wouldn't want your mom to get worked up and die of a heart attack, now would we?

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I hope you die. People as stupid as you don't deserve to survive the side effects. You made a choice, now live with it knowing we did everything we could to help you.