Am I the only one who was radicalized by Any Forums as a teenager, but is a commie now?

Am I the only one who was radicalized by Any Forums as a teenager, but is a commie now?
>be 12 yo me
>2013, finds out about ancaps while watching atheist videos
>2014, goes full ancap, but is still really progressive
>2016, starts watching Stefan Molyneux videos on race realism
>refugee crisis happens, becomes anti-immigration because hates Islam
>finds out about chans because of a big brazilian Youtuber and Trump election
>starts watching Bolsonaro and Trump memes and likes them because of how edgy they're, also watches a lot of right-wing/alt-light YouTubers like Paul Joseph Watson, Nando Moura, etc
>2017, spends all day on Any Forums and gets redpilled on the Jews and racialism
>is a lonely piece of shit at high school, wants to find people like me, so creates a Twitter account
>finds a echo-chamber of "alt-right" accounts on Twitter and spends all day sharing memes with new frens
>2018, goes full neonazi, even shows powerlevel at school, talks about the Jewish question, race realism and mocks the holocaust with classmates
>be really racist and homophobic even tho having a brown grandmother, being bisexual and addicted to tranny/blacked porn
>2019, finished high school so is a NEET hikikkomori now, does nothing but watching anime and playing games
>becomes a doomer and doesn't even care about politics anymore
>slowly starts to be more open-minded and less edgy, thinks racist jokes aren't funny anymore
>George Floyd happens, starts to question his racist views and side with BLM
>finds job at a factory, hates it and finds out about capitalist exploitation of the working class
>Bolsonaro is fucking up Brazil, realizes right-wing governments sucks
>starts going out with a trans girl and does drugs with her, doesn't give a shit about being "degenerate" anymore
>2021, starts watching videos and reading about communism, finds out everything you've been told about communism is American propaganda

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didn't read, fuck communism

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Literally every communist nation had a genocide

Capitalist nations you mean

yup, and the victims were always white "antisemites"

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Didn't read, but I hope South Brazil secedes soon.


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Communists are not people.

I meant what I said

You are a gay macaco.

>implying the Jewish elite didn't financed Nazi Germany as well

Stopped reading at Twitter

I know. It's evident when you have jewish elite funding the Ukrainian neo-nazi's as well, I'm not a Nazi either.


Did 13 years of Socialist Politicians not teach you anything Favela Monkey?

>South American

Oh yeah, as expected. Only Taconiggers can do socialism/communism, fuck up, and try it again. Even the niggers of Africa have rejected Socialism after years of bloodshed and nepotism.

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>13 years of Socialist
Bullshit, Brazil is a neoliberal hell since the 80s

Any Forums turned me into a neoliberal

Probably so, because most people grow out of their edgy teen angst days, but you held on to your childhood, probably due to being molested

not reading all of that
I've been here since 2008 when I was like 12
this place made me hate the media and glowniggers, and made me not opposed to violence
I became a commie after getting into finance + reading books

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enlightenment was a mistake

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>Lula and Dilma
>Inspirations from Chavez

>South America
>Still having international socialist meetings as if they mean something

Shut the fuck up PACO, you have people from Venezuela running into you country screaming how Socialism has fucked everything up.

If you cannot process this, you are representatives of how Spics may truly be the lowest race in Comprehension, even to the nigger. Doing shit over and over again. That is insanity.

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Never been molested tho

calaboca necrochgade nebro filha daputa

You mean like every nation?

Humanity is doomed no matter what social or political structure you use because a hierarchy must be in place for humans to function, sadly...
but like all shitty new age political ideals you just get insane sharks who only want to control at the top of the chain, so yea good on ya joining up yet another retard system user, good on ya...

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Tldr fuck your blogpost nigger lol.

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>wall of text
dios mio, el comunismo!

I'll add I was into into the Ron Paul thing
and that sentiment carried over quite well into being a commie
abolition of the fed, stopping imperialism, dismantling the CIA and destroying the parasitic financial systems are all commie positions. I mistakenly thought these things could be accomplished with libertarianism
now I know what must be done

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False! You sound like a conspiracy theorist son

Communism doesnt work Dumbass!
>it wasn’t real communism
By definition yes it was
>it’s the CIA fault
Cape and baseless claim

Lula was just a fucking liberal tho, Brazilian real communists don't like him, the bankers never profited as much like at his government.
Also, Venezuela is nationalist, not socialist, there's more private enterprises there than public ones

So you've lurched from one larp to the other larp and never knew balance or even considered it.

Such a gargantuan mind fuck had been carried out on the young.

You were a misguided fool before and then you transitioned into a different kind of misguided fool.

How does it feel?

At least you're young still. Maybe you'll work it out.

But ain't winning

How does it feel to be not swimming against the tide at all?

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> Venezuela is nationalist, not socialist
It’s socialist. Nothing you said is true why do you gaslight? Also nationalism isn’t only right wing it’s left wing too