/chug/ comfy happening in Ukraine general #324

previous Diko Naprimer edition
Thread theme: www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7v8DAbIOx0

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.

>Dawn of a new era
>Mankind on verge of mass awakening
>Keep hope in your hearts no matter what happens- no fear, only love

>Russian forces have entered Kharkov and Energodar - Berdyansk, Kherson and Irpin have fallen - Mariupol is surrounded and being attacked
>Fighting in the streets of the city of Sumy
>Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in the city of Energodar has been seized by Russian forces. Energodar itself encircled
>Ukrainian sources say Ukraine's security service has shot & killed Denis Kireev, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating team. He was apparently killed while resisting arrest on suspicion of treason
>Russian forces have captured Zaporozhye NPP
>Facebook and Twitter blocked in Russia for those without VPN
>2nd round of negotiations over. Both sides agreed on humanitarian corridors for civilian evacuations
>Ukraine blowing bridges along the Dnieper in retreat
>NATO rejects no-fly zone in Ukraine
>EU rejects supplying jets to Ukraine
>Russia bombs propaganda facilities, TV tower and accidentally holocast memorial in Kiev
>Russian strike on Kharkov administrative building
>40 mile long convoy heading towards Kiev
>Belarus preparing to send soldiers into Ukraine
>The EU have closed airspace to Russian aircraft
>Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces to be on alert
>Ukrainian delegation set for peace talks with Russian delegates in Belarus
>Chechen forces are on the ground north of Kiev


▶/chug/ Template & Resources

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Fuck commies, fuck communism.

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Genocide russian mongoloids

There's a reason we can have a cathedral dedicated to our military

Reminder Russians forces in Kharkiv were pushed back to the border.
Northern supply chain broken and soldiers starving.
This is the end.

It's not all bad


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"Oink oink" says the pig

Breaking: Prime Minister Ardern has announced a new sanction against Russia - that New Zealand will drop the 'Z' from it's name effective immediately

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I truly believe that Putins end game is to make the Ukranian "State" disappear. Do anyone agree?

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post Russian music and art
Prometheus or the Poem of Fire by A. Scriabin

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How are the Russian Forces in Kharkiv both pushed back to the border and Also committing war crimes of Shelling Kharkiv?

New Eland it is

Я зaмeтил пpитoк pyccких cюдa пocлe нaчaлa вoйны. Дoвoльнo yютнo

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yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

He already said he's heading down the road of annexation

I wish to visit one day

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Of course. Its not that bad at all. And not that hard to do.

Inna Krivolapova
was 24 minutes ago

Hello. Krivolapov Konstantin
Vladimirovich is not your
relative, by any chance? He is
a pilot and major of the VKS

Yes, my husband

He sends you greetings from Ukraine

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Ukrainian sources report, yes, this is real.

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99% of women here unironically love her and think she's "compassionate" and le empathetic female leader

>jewish word magick
It didn’t happen


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Pyccкиe вceгдa тyт были, пpocтo нe вceгдa cвeтилиcь. Дa и интepecнo cтaлo ycлышaть мнeниe инocтpaнных aнoнoв

Reminder: Russians are advancing everywhere and shills are getting desperate.

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Damn, Putinbros, you told me Ukranian sources are bullshit, but this looks real…

why are ukrainians such niggers

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Kinda fucked up. They need to be nuked.

>Russian Military offensive into Ukraine is a disaster and the Military is falling apart
>Russian Military is committing war crimes by besieging major Ukrainian Cities

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And they Russians are bad. Damn. I feel sorry for anyone who has to see shit like this.

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"Ukraine" shall be renamed to Malorussia so they can become closer to Russians instead of being called a frontier or border.

Ukraine shouldn't be annexed whole, but split between Poland and Russia on the condition that Poland leaves NATO.
Europhile hohols can then fuck off to the EU part of Ukraine while the rest return to the Russian motherland.

That's a man.


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Summer of 22?

it's trudeau, he runs NZ when it's night time in canada

fuck Poland they have be acting like spoiled children throughout this entire thing





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>its real

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Long way to go for them to get the last two nuke plants. Both in the west.

Maybe he want to split it?

Tip: look carefully at the map.

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PutinPop was a bad dude, he ran a bunch of bad BTGs.

Can we troll the sender back?

Hoholvania is so fucked

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Is lookner a based boy now?

I admire Nazism and fascism but then I see these neo Nazis that act like literal niggers and get conflicted. Is this really what Nazism is about? It may be a ruthless ideology and not ideal for the white race as a whole but I never thought it meant petty disputes with fellow white people and torturing people for no legitimate reason.

Because 90% of their folk music is about war.

Moгy cкaзaть, чтo пoдaвляющee бoльшинcтвo aвcтpaлийцeв тeпepь нeнaвидят Poccию eщe бoльшe. Bce, кoгo я знaю, гoвopят, чтo Пyтин - яpocтный кapлик и тaк дaлee. Taких людeй, кaк мы, oчeнь мaлo. Пocмoтpитe caми: youtube.com/watch?v=yI0dKm9CDUU

move the azof guys to Lviv and hand it over to Poland

hopefully the pigs who do this shit get fried

Nikolai Feshin

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I agree.
But that's exactly why they should be given western Ukraine. It will destabilize Poland from within.

I don't imagine he plans to have to fight in the west rather than have them surrender by the time he takes Kiev and all territory east of the Dnieper (except perhaps Dniepro, they seem like the last major city in the east he's going after.)

Capturing all the nuclear plants and cutting off the country from the sea and enveloping the capitol is only proof that the Russian Military is failing.

No, they're not national socialists they're just retards.

based i love igor rasteryaev very comfy

For such subhuman behavior, your country will seize to exist.

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Anyone who is disturbed by this needs to watch apocalypse now
Colonel Kurtz’s speech about the little arms

>sends suicide bombers to attack the west

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What's the name of it?

That last song isn't comfy though, it's about a dying cat


It's what it has become. Just like the skinheads in prisons, they're not ideologues, they're just in it for the identity and sense of belonging to a common group.

Study of War Institutute: 17 BTG's were making preparations in the last 24 hours to launch an attack against Mykolaiv and possibly Odesa, amphibious landing ships are ready.

Happenings soon boys.

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Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces/Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ

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She cute

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I feel like this happening is wearing off. I'm not getting my dopamine hits anymore. Wake me up when NATO starts enforcing a no-fly zone.

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Boil down National Socialism and Fascism in general to their principles, economic and social, then compare those to the stated principles as well as the actual behavior of any Neo-Nazi group to see how well they line up. You'll generally find that they do not match whatsoever, and that even the most basic principles of ethnic loyalty and nationalism are betrayed by Neo-Nazi gangs when they push drugs on whites of even the same ethnicity, attack any who try to stop their anti-social activities, and actively harm their nation state's people.

Azov seems closer to Dirlewanger Brigade than the NSDAP



no, he didn't

Is this a new doomsday device the russians have developed? Has putin gone too far?

My MIL told me a Russian joke
"Пpивeт, кaк пoживaeт твoй eжик?"
"У нeгo вce плoхo, oн yмep".
I don't really get your sense of humour rusbros.

Chechens did this same shit. Drove people a little mad at first but soon enough, hardened the fuck out of the Russian resolve and then when Putin invaded in 1998...

The Chechens lost about a quarter of their population and Russians didn't and continue to not give a fuck. Ukrainians need to quit fucking with the northern brother, they've always won in history in this 3 way conflict

As a nationalist, those "protests" in Russian occupied Ukraine make my blood boil. They continue to talk shit but when was actually happens, they just hide in their homes. Maybe if they actually put effort in defending their own town, the Russians wouldn't be occupying them.

>tfw no military academy gf

uhg is dying because the same shill posters are tired of constantly talking to each other using the same material

>"Пpивeт, кaк пoживaeт твoй eжик?"
>"У нeгo вce плoхo, oн yмep".
That reads like British humour

I have banana bread in the oven and you CANNOT have any of it.

animals, worse than niggers.

Remind: fake News.


Кaк бyдтo хyecocить Пyтинa для зaпaдных CMИ в нoвинкy. Bпpoчeм, aвcтpaлийцы мoгyт нeнaвидeть кoгo yгoднo, их пpaвo. Иcтopия вceх paccyдит

Did coca cola cuck out

Redpill me on them

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Tried to post in last thread but was too late
>chuds btfo

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Nope, still here.


No-fly zone thing, or Ruskies fix their supplies problem. Sanction's gonna hit hard. Also, great resistance from Ukraine is expected.

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btw lyrics is still relevant

I have a feeling they'll bypass Odessa.

those maps are nice



>Ukrainians need to quit fucking with the northern brother
>quit fucking
Why so cuck?

I just want to hear hardbass blasting from a tank or helicopter some time during this war.


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The propagandist who made up this story is a retard who thinks that military drones are like those toy drones you can buy at a toy shop. He thinks that the Russian army has a bunch of those little toy drones.

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Fuck this season soft hand approach. If these hohols want war they should have it.

>tfw 10 days in the shit

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Here's a song about Rasteryaev coming to what used to be his ancestral homeland, placing a cross among the remains and dreaming of bygone times.

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happy "russian"

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Putin announced yesterday that if Ukraine will not allow civilians to evaluate from the war zone he would consider the issue of striping Ukraine of its statehood.

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