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What the fuck they're still seething? Let's make it Heck Trudeau so plebbit stops crying.

He's still mad that the public thinks he's a bitch

Kek for sure, banning some signs isn't gonna reverse that though, everyone saw how retarded he was.

Where can I procure such flag?

maybe show some class

easy bypass
make TUCK FRUDEAU flags

>the comments
>all those with ukey flags defending Trudeau
Man, it's a good thing twitter is just a very small group of retards and not an actual representation of normalfags.

Why couldn't Putin invade canada?

lets just make it Fuck Trudeau without the leaf

Russia is a land power, much like the PRC. We don't share a geographical border with them and they don't have the type of navy required to stage an amphibious assault.

Was about to say the same thing.

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Why would he want to? Russia has enough frozen land, resources and AIDS as is.

What happened to my country?

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make flags of turd face crying with a caption like "you people are so mean to me"

this is gold use it to your advantage maple niggers

Unfortunately the useful idiot politicians who use Twitter are dumb enough to think the shills there represent the public

What's this?

>it's okay when we do it
(((every time)))

Nigger in my city they ripped the John A. MacDonald statue with a winch and a pickup truck, and then teabagged it while doing graffiti, fuck off.


Duck Treudau

iPhone predicted this

"narcissistic wound" or "wounded ego" are emotional traumas that overwhelm an individual's defense mechanisms and devastate their pride and self worth. In some cases the shame or disgrace is so significant that the individual can never again truly feel good about who they are and this is sometimes referred to as a "narcissistic scar".

Edmund Bergler emphasized the importance of infantile omnipotence in narcissism, and the rage that follows any blow to that sense of narcissistic omnipotence; Annie Reich stressed how a feeling of shame-fuelled rage, when a blow to narcissism exposed the gap between one's ego ideal and mundane reality

Such as telling your wife, that “I was put on this earth to do this. They underestimate me, and then I win.”

Narcissistic rage is an outburst of intense anger or silence, such as refusing to speak with truckers, as he is having cognitive dissonance with his imagined self image conflicting with how others see him

Then when people still dont see things the way you do, you declare a national emergency because something is obviously wrong and people are not kissing your ass

It’s a phenomenon called the narcissistic abuse cycle. This cycle is broken down into three important phases: idealization, devaluation, and rejection. Bubble boy castro has always been in this cycle with Canadians

Its time for Franz Vaginameet Papen to come to his senses, save himself and his reputation, re-evaluate his position, say "never say never", and vote of no confidence with the Liberals, and form government with the Conservatives, in light of what has taken place, "I will always make change for what is good for Canada, and people who want to see NDP move forward"

we really cant blame Bubble Boy because hes sick in the head but we can blame Vaginameet because hes a lawyer and should know better

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Non white here.

Still voting trudeau

Seethe and dilate

>imagine thinking it’s appropriate to go around saying and displaying fuck in public
skitz brain

Bubble boy castro who is a pathological narcissist has problems that are compounded by suffering from Hubris Syndrome

Hubris syndrome, A condition where the behaviour of politicians, business leaders, and other people in power, changes for the worse as they come to enjoy increasing power and influence. The syndrome causes certain changes to the brains of these leaders which in turn makes them suffer from a number of undesirable qualities; including losing touch with reality, taking excessive pride in their actions, displaying lesser empathy towards other people, and taking arrogant decisions or actions without sufficient thought.

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no problem, keep proving that you're a shitter that deserves to be hated

Narcissists, dont understand that people cooperate with each other, or do something nice for each other, because they "want to"

They cant believe anyone would do anything willingly for themselves, and believe that person is stupid if they want nothing in return.

Their relationships become transactional in nature.

This is why Bubble Boy Castro felt betrayed when the female MPs decided to not follow his instructions, and yelled and raged, "after everything Ive done for you"

The last parliamentarian I know of who had these mental issues, found out his grandfather was jewish, and his narcissistic rage to deny the truth got a lot of people sent to the camps

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change it to 'fuck castro' instead

uh oh spaghettios

time to prorogue parliament again eh bubble boy?

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What did trudeau do that made people so angry? genuine question

it is the food prices

why does trudeau want to make same gender sibling sex legal? is it because of the science?

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