Inna Krivolapova

Inna Krivolapova
was 24 minutes ago

Hello. Krivolapov Konstantin
Vladimirovich is not your
relative, by any chance? He is
a pilot and major of the VKS

Yes, my husband

He sends you greetings
from Ukraine

Attached: fUv2xn6.png (576x1280, 599.01K)

Sent by the ghost of kyiv himself!!

Ukrainians are vile

Dead russian subhumans are based

I’m on the verge of tears Any Forums

The Jews are destroying White families on both sides and you retards are laughing about it

Russians and Ukrainians are not welcome in Australia.

That's pretty funny.

What does "holhol" really mean, and is it an appropriately wretched term for Ukrainians?
I do not care about muh holomodoor anymore after seeing how the conducted themselves in this conflict.

Attached: 1642126495640.jpg (474x380, 18.75K)

I don't understand either. Who would celebrate this? Fucking nigger behavior.

You guys need to stop posting these screenshots. When I'm baked, I spend a good three minutes thinking my eyes are fucked because I can't make out the words.

been seeing a lot of these screen caps, how come not a single news or media outlet anywhere mentions these at all?

They keep showing who they are
They also show the resources they have

That's just vile, what the fuck.

This is no different from beheading an enemy in ancient times and putting the head on a stick. Then parading around the city walls you're trying to besiege

Psyops is as old as Hammurabi times

Another reason to bomb the fuck out of Ukraine. Even if the Russians themselves have played this dirty trick.
Why's that? Are you afraid that we will infect all your cute kangaroos with AIDS?

Attached: gachi.gif (498x498, 2.74M)

do you think the government will tell them their husband died?
but in truth this is just information tactics so russians get upset at their government

They will when its the russians sending pic of dead ukrainians to their relatives.

Calling someone vile for murdering the invader. Off with the vpn ivan

Pic of Inna Krivolapova (wife)


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That's pretty fucked up if legit.

Attached: 08FEC4D2-9F82-4C15-BF68-130602261407.jpg (598x434, 69.53K)

*bombs another apartment complex killing a toddler*

Attached: 1646447686591.jpg (1200x829, 69.46K)

So Ukraine is a bunch of niggers that are better off shoahed. Good to know.

oh no he's lying down with ketchup on his face like every other "dead russian" lmao

Ukranians are not even human

ZOGbots are vile. Defending your home is based, western faggots would never understand

These are the people who say they are the "good guys" and LARP like their capeshit movies.
The days of argument has passed a long time ago.
When SHTF, you'll know your targets, and do not feel sympathy for them. They obviously wouldn't for you, even when everything was still "civil".

Keep coping, hohols.
2 more weeks until you get to Siberia.

holols are subhuman

Kek, you really think NATO would report on disgusting Ukraine behaviour and warcrimes?

>White families
Slavs aren't white for the last fucking time. Jesus. Slavniggers would gut and flay you like a nigger would if you were walking out late past 10pm.

Source: I've been all over Eastern Europe. They are niggers.

But are they worse than actual American niggers?

>Source: I'm making shit up
Shut the fuck up

Do you worship them and suck the BSC?
If not, they are not niggers.

>Russians commonly use the word khokhol as an ethnic slur for Ukrainians, as it was a common haircut of Ukrainian Cossacks. The term is frequently derogatory or condescending, an equivalent of the Ukrainian term katsap and Polish kacap for Russians.

IF real

This will only embolden the Russia more. Why would they think this is a good idea?


No 1 post, This is truly evil and anyone who thinks this shit is funny deserves to be crucified.

Jesus Christ are we doing fake texts?

This is so 2014.

war has changed actually, imagine this in WW2

Attached: Z1.jpg (1280x1280, 199.28K)

Fucking degenerate.
All this does is create more enemies, there's no benefit whatsoever. The person is just entertaining himself.

Their wins are limited so they're getting desperate. Ukrainians should've just given up. Can't imagine how stupid they have to be to defend their country or Jewb president. If Chinese enters my country today, they can have it. The government has done nothing for us. Everyone hates whites and I hate them too. I legitimate despise people. Wouldn't care if they bombed a Shiner's hospital full of cripples. Not my fucking problem.

Take me to an internment camp and leave me the hell alone. Not fighting for Jews.

Beyond disgusting, imagine if the Taliban was doing the same to American troops in Afghanistan. Welcome to modern day war I guess, mogging your enemies family's on facebook after you kill them.

gas yourself kike

It's actual glowies doing what they do best: filth.

Hohols were always fucked in the head

why are they doing this? they think putin will turn it around due to this trolling?

whatever moral high ground zelensky and ukraine had is quickly dissipating

were banana

Black Lives Never Mattered.

>1 post by this ID
How much is Zelensky Paying you

Hitler himself said slavs are a subrace.

The Russians were way more respectful back in 2014
At this rate they will grazny all the sieged cities and the Russian citizens will cheer for it

1 dead russian pig = 1 post

Attached: 16465176816770.png (1280x823, 1.06M)

I guess it's true what they say, war is heck

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>2 posts by this ID

fuck NATO nato jew cucked Ukraine. Hail russia i font even care if putin hates white nationalists as long as he fucke Nato

Don't degrade yourselves their level they will see the error in their ways and repent to Putin the Russian army when the time comes. God has already abandoned them, Putins restraint is their only hope at this point..

Seems fake.
Either Russian propaganda or straight up memes.

Do soldiers there really even carry their personal phones aro8d when invading?
How do they unlock the phones locked by anything other than fingerprints?

I call bs.

IF real then they should just inform the relatives without pictures. Russia won't tell their relatives to mitigate dissent and prevent info from leaking.

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