IT'S HAPPENING! - Mexican Hooligans kill 17 persons in Football Game

Why is my country always condemdned to suffer like this?Ăștbol

People had to strip down their jerseys because if the enemies found you wearing the wrong uniform they would attack you

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who was doing what?

It is only Western progapanda that sudden death has become something to be feared. This only makes me respect your country more.
Your people are faced with the reality of death everyday and many seem to accept the consequences.
While most Europeans never engaged in a fistfight because they are afraid their opponent might sue them.

Queretaro's team has fans that are violent as fuck, they started a fight with the fans of Atlas' team.
Violence ensued, even kids were targeted by the mob.

when you act like savage subhuman niggers, you win!

You're supposed to move your sports riots to the streets

*Laughs in scouser*

footballfags deserve it desu

Atlas hooligans are cholos

imagine killing people over sports, losers

Just another Tuesday in Mexico

football fans are degenerates
I'm not surprised

Yeah soccerfags too

I really just do not understand sportsball fans, the whole mentality of this shit.

I mean, thanks for the words, I agree.
But I still feel nauseus about this desu, some families were targeted too wich means some hooligans unironically tried to kill kids and women.

sports fans kek

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low iq spics
many such cases
now let us into your country to bring diversity


Attached: mexican disaster.webm (640x640, 1.45M)


I just saw videos on twitter
fuck that's so brutal, why are they like this? usually when people die in games it's because they are trampled or something, but the Mexicans were straight up murdering people of the other clu

HAHA these people kill their own brothers over a soccer game, but always lick the boot and do what the government tells them as soon as they are told to take the vaccine. pathetic "people".

soccer fans are retards. simple as.

>Querétaro fuera, Me encanta joder

hooligans are worse cancer

This video in particular made me felt sick, the thugs attacked him to be sure he was agonizing

Attached: GckxPPKfB.webm (568x320, 1.96M)

Take a bunch of Aztecs, pump them fill of corn meal and coca cola, shove them into a bunch of overcrowded cities, arm and fund organised crime, and watch the fireworks

I'd say we only need to let in enough of you to run the delicious mexican restaurants, but oddly it seems the asians have taken all the Mexicans jobs in the kitchens here, work for less i guess.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Spics are worse then niggers

>no mames, me van a romper la madre

They gonna rape them wtf, why strip them

Mexico is a magical place.

god I just LOVE beaners

Attached: mexican feeding program.jpg (1800x1800, 256.65K)

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man, she looks 35 yo or something