The Russian military everybody

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These are just going to get stuck in the mud at the border.

Sounds like they are going to use them for the humanitarian aid effort, not war.
I've been told that the convoy is aid, hence why there are no soldiers around it.

They need those mini vans for trips to the grocery.

sure thing fsb shill

Фeдepáльнaя cлýжбa бeзoпácнocти Poccи́йcкoй Фeдepáции

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Not seeing what's wrong with this. Ordinary cars and trucks are more fuel efficient and cheaper, so why wouldn't they be used for non-combat operations?
The US uses expensive shit because the whole point of war for the US is to make money for the military industrial complex.

It's Ukrainian military and Z is CGI'd on.

Only one thing is certain about this war. Only one party has all the information outlets and the other party is completely canceled. That should tell you everything about the information we are receiving, or allowed to receive tbqh.

Why are the trucks all travelling in reverse?

but they are handing them all over to the muslims for missions of peace

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Why is this inspiring for the British at dunkirk but wrong for the Russians now?

There were issues with the tires, chinese made, used on kamaz supply trucks. Theyre replacing the tires, but they need to fix the massive logistical issues the Russian army is facing. So far Ukraine has managed to win skirmishes caused damage to battalion sized formation. What is going to happen is in the next few days, the logistical issues will be fixed, new operational plans will be implemented and the hohols will be buttfucked.

>Russian forces in Ukraine may have entered a possibly brief operational pause on March 5 as they prepare to resume operations against
>Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mykolayiv, and possibly Odesa in the next 24-48 hours.

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not just that, but you can see people are encouraged to shut their brains off and believe and spread the information

like how normies were telling each other to not question the ghost of kyiv stuff because it "hurts morale"

If the Russian army can't afford armored trucks then just say so, no need to sperg rant about other militaries.

kamaz trucks are pretty good, they just bought chinese tires to be cheap


>If you can't afford to buy a new car every time you drive somewhere then just say so.
Seems like Russia isn't big on borrowing money like the West is.

It's humanitarian help for hoe-holes, you wouldn't understand.

And why not? Browskis didn't survive -60 degrees for hundreds of years before electricity without being flexible and resourceful.

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