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Kiev will fall within two more weeks.

He can wonder, but the conclusion “That isn’t happening.”

They’re literally retarded

hes right you know

I've resigned to just see all news being peddled about the Ukraine invasion as disinformation. There's simply too many contradictory narratives being pushed out at once to take any of it seriously

What the fuck is this lol

Yes, but on the other side no expected anything but Ukraine collapsing in a weekend.


"agenda free" TV on YouTube, he's been doing long live streams all day every day and I think he's finally cracked

This nigger has been spending the last fucking hour thinking he is some kind of strategic genius because he thought about logistics for half a second.

No shit Steve. The reason no one talked about it is because everyone who isn't a fucking retard knew about it. I know you either made this thread or are lurking this thread faggot. If you bothered to spend five minutes in any of the threads leading up to this shit show you would have seen people talking about Russia's reliance on rail transport, faggot. It has been their weakness since WWII.

Imagine writing that retarded take.

who is this guy and why am i seeing him everywhere

These people live in a complete fantasy world

If you expected ukraine to fall within a week you were already drunk off propaganda before this even started.

Why cant they just lay down rail?

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He 100% has CP on his hard drive, kike. All it is going to take is you running your yid mouth wrong to cause the feds to think you are more than a useful idiot and decide to look into you.

Filthy fucking kike

I wonder how they’re all going to respond once Ukraine becomes another oblast lf Russia. I expect redditors to start thinking in terms of Trumpfag ideas where Zelensky’s secretly in power still and to just trust the plan for 2 more weeks.

This, the two main threads we have on this board about the war are ran by glowies from both sides.

Nah I made this thread because he's been especially insufferable for the last week

Remember that karate teacher guy who convinced his students he had telepathic powers? Every time they'd get close while fighting he'd push them away effortlessly.
The media is basically this now. They're so deep into their own propaganda bullshit they actually believe it.

That story ends with the karate teacher getting challenged by a real fighter and getting his ass kicked, btw.
Which is inevitably what's coming to the media.
You can only play pretend for so long until reality becomes undeniable

Two more week until Russia takes Kyiv

If you DIDN'T expect one of the largest armies in the world to cross the borders of their old territory and capture a capital that close run by globohomo, that a “you” problem.

If the reports of the convoy having run out of fuel and food are true, then yes, Kiev may never fall. Vlad really knows how to plan a successful military operation

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Because track go boom and takes a long time to lay, which is exactly what the Ukrainians did within the first few days. This is forcing their reliance on conventional wheeled vehicles and Russia has been neglecting that shit for years. During the annexation of Crimea they were already showing signs that they couldn't handle any deeper incursions or their supply chain would begin to fall apart. The CIA absolutely was paying attention and if the Ukrainians didn't think of it on their own they were told to do something about it.


Kiev will fall in 4 more years after our 600 mile starts moving.

>why are chaotic events like war so hard to parse as they're happening
t. retard

I'm watching about 15 minutes behind. He is acting like mastermind because he read a fucking twitter thread. It's really insufferable.

It's Afghanistan all over again. War gets dragged out too long, supply chains get fucked. Without supply their heavy armor and artillery can't get where it needs to be, and they start getting bleed to death with a thousand tiny cuts in asymmetrical warfare.
Why the fuck can't Russia unfuck this shit? They have just as many jews as we do, but their jews are so fucking inept at basic merchant skills like moving goods and people. Hell they had 20 fucking years of Iraq and Afghanistan to study what we did and make plans to modernize and improve their cold era material and doctrine. But they didn't even try. Spend all the money on developing armor, and ignore everything else. They have to rely upon Chechens because their small arms is dogshit outside of a few elite units, and when those start catching causalities the whole thing comes apart at the seam.

I remember when he leaked his "step-daughter" porn history on stream a couple years ago, this guy jerks off all the time lol

It's Afghanistan all over again. War gets dragged out too long, supply chains get fucked.
It’s been 9 fucking days of constant propaganda, turn down the hyperbole.

>low IQ mutt
I love posts like this, always makes me laugh.

hows the size of the army relevant
Russia sent less soldiers than Ukraine had
160k RUS vs. 200k UKR

Putin will be dead by April.

Kiev is a low priority for the Russians. The Westoids can't figure that out because they refuse to listen to the objectives laid out by Putin.

And you don't?
