First world countries developped themselves exploiting third world countries. You can't refute this

First world countries developped themselves exploiting third world countries. You can't refute this

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And tigers survive eating zebras, whats the point?

Africa still has 10x more natural resource extraction industry than Europe has.

>First world countries developped themselves exploiting third world countries. You can't refute this
No, they were able to exploit third world countries because they developed themselves first.

Fucking retard about animals. Lions hunt zebras you fucking gringo piece of shit

Yes i can refute it.
germany had never significant colonies and developed on its own.
Its just the anglos that profiteed.

How did gulf and east asian countries develop?

The hell did the US do in Africa?
>muh slaves
Everyone had slaves back then
And we should've sent em back

Dig everything out and put it on Israel.

Medieval Europe and Asia were already more developed than most of modern Africa before there was any large scale interaction between the continents.

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Objectively false. Not a single African colony has ever made a profit. In fact you see increases in countries GDP after the end of African colonization.

Show flag fly face

>You can't refute this
yes i can, it literally didn't happen, there i refuted it

the nigger populatino wouldb't be over 300 million if it wasn't for whites

And we're gonna keep on doing it mother fucker better believe it

and the the Development and upkeep Costs dwarfed any Profits.

>African colonies did not make a profit
I would like to read about this. Do you have a reference?

Such is the nature of capitalism under a monetary system. Both can't profit from trade and the higher you grow in the process and value chain the more money you make. Africans see coal and warm themselves for the night, Europeans saw coal and built factories with it.

Yeah I'm sure you'd know about it, you primitive shitskin. Drink my cum faggot.

Red pill me on Swiss colonies

Germany was poor until 1900s. Because it didn't exploit the world like the Dutch and Anglos. Only until it imported ideas from Britian and had its Industrial Revolution did it become rich

Read history dumbass, Germany (Prussia) conquered Paris in 1870.