Tell me why redditors have more balls than you and take action why all of you on here are just talk?

Tell me why redditors have more balls than you and take action why all of you on here are just talk?

Why haven't any of you taken action?

Attached: Screenshot_20220304-012440.png (1080x1334, 1.39M)

tell me why you keep making this stupid fucking thread based on a fake reddit post

>more balls
He has got a lot moar something, that's for sure (he's a fat fucking faggot)
If only you could trade fat for brains

Imagine dying for upvotes

He died in combat you pussy

because im not gay

He died from high fructose corn syrup withdrawal kek

Ban anyone who says Ukraine is weak
Real tawk

What a pathetic Reddit attempt. Stay in your FAGGOT world. Stay away from our children.

>Tell me why redditors have more balls
Any Forumssisters are all post-op

Big ups peeyimp, this is the last hoorah. Mods ban anyone that says Kiev.


The fact that retards will fall for this proves that the Russian shills are nothing but shills who don't browse this site before the invasion.

Because they're egotistical manchildren who think they're important enough to make a difference in the world.

im doing my part, telling faggots like you OP to kys

how? look at all that armour he has on

big ups pimp!

Nvm he's actually still alive and has 30+ confirmed kills so far

how about you. where are your balls. what the fuxk are you doing, you giant pussy. ive already done Iraq. how about you put up or shut the fuck up kid. sage

he died before even arriving there

He actually died recently in combat. His last words were ‘I fucked myself up’

Big ups liquid richard