What's going on here?

What's going on here?

Attached: Yemen-map-boundaries-cities-locator[1].jpg (1600x994, 167.76K)

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Chew on qat and kill globohomo zombies

Also they make a good mandi

who cares

What's going on here is what I want to know

Attached: 5735535.jpg (1600x1326, 210.34K)

The British and American airforces definitely don't fly undisclosed missions to support the Arabs.

These missions don't include striking targets.

A proxy war with US, Israel, Saudi vs Iran China

War crimes and other atrocities but it doesn't matter because american-backed saudis are comitting them and the victims are sandniggers

No one knows

Shit that literally no one cares about.

شبس ولحم قرش
مكان حلو

لحم قرش؟
متئكد انه حرام

saudi and uae's are land grabing yameni islands

كل شي بالبحر حلال حسب علمي
بس في ناس بعرفهم اكلو قرش

يمكن يوم اجربه ان شاء الله

صحتين عقلبك يا غالي

>Protests started during Arab spring against corrupt
>Saudi and gulf states are scared it will motivates their citizens against them
>They [Saudi and gulf states] agree with Iran to support Houthi as a way to coup against the protestors, and creating chaos.
>Houthi became stronger with all the logistic supports, especially strategic support from Iran
>Years later with Arab spring is almost dead, Houthi became the problem.
>2015 and they [gulf states] started a war against Houthi, yet still having war against other yemenis like [Islah] because they don't agree with their ideology.
>Other gulf states started to exploit the south, a lot of resources etc.
>Globohomo and US says they are against the wars yet they support Houthis as well as providing logistics supports to gulf states; more wars; more demand for our shit, you know the classic
>cluster fuck until a couple of months ago when majority of Yemenis started to revolt against Houthis knowing they are just parasite proxy for Iran, and thing still in progress for now..

Satanic script


Arab kids getting droned by other Arabs

My descendant :)