>elite leaving country under military protection

>>elite leaving country under military protection
>>peasant gets chased and hit by cop with ar for being poor

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So just like any other war.

He has a nice gun why aren't the people defending Ukraine using that weapon instead? He should just have a pistol. And he can give the defenders his gun lol.

Any fighting age man who leaves his country in time of war is a coward, a traitor, and should be shot or hanged.

>foreign figther cucks are dying for this

Now imagine the same thing. But your Yugoslav boomer grandparents leave the country on 'vacation' several months before war breaks out, but you're left behind and can't get out until basically the last day of a four year war. Ukrainians havent seen war yet.

Ukraine isn't a country.

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Do you think you guys will get Lviv by the end of all of this? I think it's in the cards.

Attached: 1618792278411.png (565x486, 202.27K)

Russia invading Ukraine was easily predicted. I know a Ukrainian who moved here in 2018 since he saw it coming.

thats a ak you fucking ape

I would die for capitalism
capitalism makes sure we all eat

No... we are in globohomo pocket, boomers that lived in soviet Russia are still alive and they can't fathom EU could be in the wrong.

>hit by cop with ar
cop with ar?

Maybe that'll teach them not to be poorfags in the future.

This is why most Ukrainians will accept Russian rule.

Just ukranigger things, sweaty

Yeah you're right
Who cares about all the drag queen story hours imposed to mutt children
At least we can drink water filled with estrogen and burgers
I love america FUCK YEAHHHH

Uhm... sisters? Media tells me the war isn't going according to plan, why is there a whole convoy of elites leaving?

>Ukraine isn't a country
>Polack agrees with this
