
>jews pushing racemixing thinking it will wipe WYPIPO out
>it backfires

post yfw

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picrel is not getting bleached, it's getting muttified

Chink cope

>in this moment I am euphoric. Not by any phony yellow dick’s blessing. Rather I am enlightened by my bloodline bleaching

why are asians like this?

East Asia will be white in 3 generations. Latin America & Africa are next


africa will be chinese before whites get to it.

>be mongoloid male
>work towards genetic engineering for superior children

>be mongoloid female
>simply acquire European sperm
>make sure the children are daughters
>get rid of mongoloid males

Have you realized yet that the world is a better place without you and your shitty country?

at this point you are a barking dog with no teeth


kek aren’t the Jews getting bleached?

Eventually there will be no niggers, jews, or chinks and it will be glorious

Wish I could start with the third generation, but my wife is 100% Filipina. You lads are welcome for my sacrifice for your children and future of whites

It's creating a caste system. Notice "whiter and whiter" mentioned. The people want to be white and are betraying their race. Eventually with things like this there will be no more races except for a global slave and master race spectrum.

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>racemixing is good because our recessive genes sometimes come through!
jesus christ mate i cant tell if this is anti white shilling or pro white cope

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> whitening facts
> A Nigger
8 to 9 generations
> Asian
3 generations
> MENA muslim
1 to 2 generations
> Hispanic
3 to 4 generation

Do you hate your own people/ethnic group so much that you’d rather be with outsiders? Bleaching is just another version of being a race traitor, even if you coomer fantasy sees it another way

Unfortunately, this

india moment

I have all my teeth, and they're White.
Whereas they probably pull yours out to make a dollar in your shithole.

Seriously. Your female population ultimately want White children, especially White daughters. They want those bleached daughters to have more bleached daughters. Is it sinking in? They hate you, they want to be White, they don't give a shit about your concrete jungle masquerading as a civilization.

Vid related is what they do to little gook males in your shithole. They want bleached daughters, not filthy yellow niggers.

Look at their faces. That's the look representing an entire race of non-White females who want to be White.

But keep working on that genetic engineering, just remember that we've already figured it out.


Attached: dog munching dink day care.webm (544x960, 319.2K)

Enter a leaf with an erection

Mfw the white race will bleach niggers out of existence

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racemixing is fine as long as you are also marrying (and staying with) a white woman and have children by her as well. Idk how this would actually work in real life...Anyways if someone wanted my seed and my wife was ok with it (probly not) I dont see the harm.

The male hapas are gonna hate you. They'll be the reason why school shootings increase and you guys applaud it. Fuck you guys.

You can get rid of superficial african characteristics after about 4 generations, given that they breed only with pure whites.

I think this might be overblown. Isnt large swathes of the earth white/asian? Putin has the epicanthal fold

>every single time no matter what race, when breeding with a european the offspring has lighter skin or predominantly european facial features

Doesn't sound recessive to me, Mr Winneh The Pooh.

Arnold Schwarzenegger?? Is that you?

It takes at least 10 generations for each because the entire purpose of it is to render the non-white genes, rather than the complexion and basic features, virtually nil.

does he have two families or something?
>never comes back.
All this has to be done with foreknowledge and consent of course.

Based racemixer, I kneel.

Children without a father is why we are in this current global situation. Even rich single mothers with the entire government and media supporting them cannot raise worthwhile children. Would you damn your progeny to be whores or fags? Being slightly more white than their race traitor mother won't help them.

kek bro are you serious?
google the kardashian kids.
you are bad at this, you shouldve gone with
>a small percentage
instead of

btw white features are damously recessive. why do you think blond hair, blue eyes are dying out?

That is definitely a good point... could I be part of tehir lives and my other family? Would it be possible to be fair. Probly not. But how do we win the demographics game? White people will not use genocide again.

>Every time
They are still not white. They are darker skinned than their white parrent and also have some facial feature of their non white parrent. That's the definition of getting muttified.

Solomon had what 900 wives or something kek

Some of the descriptions of the women are of a black complexion too. He was bleaching back before it was a thing.

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I'm half white and half asian and this is why I will only marry a white woman. Asians are just not attractive at all. I want my children to be white and this is proof of that.

Fun fact: Tim Pool is quarter asian but everyone calls him white.

uma delícia

Making a non white lineage "more white" requires making a white lineage less white. A pure white person is worth 100x more than someone who is 75% white

they also call him a pointless milquetoast fag
