Tyler Durden losing it

Ed Norton going full schizo in real life lol. These people. Imagine if he cared this much about Jewish influence in the media and finance. Really amazing projection.

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lol okay

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>good morning Mr Norton! It's time for your daily pro globohomo tweet!


this, but with China... or better yet... Israel

Why don't actors know that they always end up looking like retards in the end?
Oh right, he's only posting this shit bc his bosses are kikes

What the fuck why? Why open your mouth if you're a celeb forgotten for 15 years?

oh nice, a new purge coming

>hey glowies, it's me, an actor
>pls declare war on Russia
bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off

the word nortan should be expunged off the planet
that bloated peace of shit malware
it fucked up more computers & contributed to poverty-
than all of Russia's actions for the past 100 years

Weird to point the gun at himself and his friends, but I'll take it.

Elaborate on why Norton is so bad please

Russia is just a code word, right?

maximum lol

Liberals are neo cons now.

Edward Norton's entire family is CIA and NSA spooks from upper middle class Washington D.C. suburbs.

Why not every foreign country and foreign secret society? Wouldn't mind seeing freemason rounded up and executed worldwide

He wouldn't work in Hollywood if he was willing to talk about Jewish influence

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No, it’s China. And the fact that the left thinks it’s Russia and faggots like yourself blame muh jews for everything means we are totally fucked.

It's always impressive to see just what shabbos house niggers the kikes' pets are. It's completely revolting I ever had positive emotion towards these faggots.

You got to suck that Jew dick hard, especially in modern times where you're nothing more than a house nigger pawn to the kikes.

>Liberals are neo cons now
They always have been. Nearly every liberal Senator voted for the Iraq invasion

Absolute state of these globohomo stooges.

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because antivirus/malware programs were sold on the idea that everyone on the internet was out to steal your information or fuck your shit up. and like hoax hate-crimes, they needed to create the problems to incentivize you to invest in them.

i removed all firewalls & installed a simple ad blocker
boom, 20 YEARS of practically malware free
i don't want to say the jews did this, but the fucking jews did this

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>Edward Harrison Norton was born into a progressive Episcopalian family in Boston, Massachusetts, on August 18, 1969. He was raised in Columbia, Maryland.[4][5][6] His father, Edward Mower Norton Jr., served in Vietnam as a Marine lieutenant before becoming an environmental lawyer and conservation advocate working in Asia and a federal prosecutor in the Carter administration.

Glows a bit as these military niggers always do.

Anyone who uses the propaganda term "the Big Lie" is not to be trusted. Norton can go fuck himself.

>Imagine if he cared this much about Jewish influence in the media and finance.

But he does....

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holy based

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Absolute cringe.
What a faggot.

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Most bluepilled take I've ever seen

Why do all actors have shitty political takes? And why are they all mouthpieces for the neoliberal establishment? Fuck this guy.

He's not wrong though. We're in dire need of a Joseph McCarthy type that can root out anyone who's been compromised, is on the payroll, or otherwise loyal to Russia and Putin or sympathizes with them. Enemies within is like a cancer that makes us weak. They're the greater enemy compared to Russia itself, because without them we'd beat Russia blindfolded while chewing gum 10 times out of ten. Chuds are Putins most important asset.

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Two proto-communist states that hire right wing death squad mercenaries for covert ops, all while raging a conventional war against each other are calling the other a nazi.
We really are living in a clown world.

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Show flag, coward

This screams of virtue signaling desperation like his agent said it'd help his chances at hosting the next Oscars.

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