This Jew is letting blond Ukrainians die rather than turn himself in

This Jew is letting blond Ukrainians die rather than turn himself in.
He knows he is already dead

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People who say that he should surrender should off themselves

This was the plan from the start, he's just there to get as many casualties as possible on both sides.

i hope he continues to fuck you Vlad

An exiled elected president is gonna be so much more annoying for Putin. Western country will walk over each other to claim him. This ride is about to get even wilder. The fucking wildest ride.

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they voted for him, let them die

>just give up goy
of course its a leaf

i thought ukrainians were nazis why they elected a jew?

>noooo you cannot fight back when you're attacked! that's so WRONG!
If Afghans had listened to you, they'd have never conquered their country back from imperialists.

So what you are saying is you are going to kill him anyway?

Ça a pas marché avec le clown vénézuélien.

>just give up goy
>said to a jew

Manlet rage

kek. you of all people should know what it means when the west purveys 'freedom and democracy'

Dude he is a weird homo, what more do you need to know about him

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Because deep down, nobody really gives a shit about Venezuela.
Ukraine has been all over the news for a week, it eclipsed covid entirely.

His cia handlers must have told him to stay and drag it out as much as possible

therefore Baltic


This jew is a demon, and he is genociding slavs

>Be Ukraine
>200$ Minimum wage
>Opposition political party banned and politicians imprisoned
>Opposition tv station banned
>Capitol of white child pornography
>Biggest European exporter of sex slave
>Jew president
>President Tells the citizen and children to fight soldiers
>President gets of the bunker every two days for photoshoot to be used as propaganda
>President is being sanctified by jews and the corporate media

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I've got the highest respect for him. He's willing to die for his people. He's the most admired man in the world right now. Unlike the faggot orange man that tells his supporters to storm into capitol and then he disowned them and let them rot in jail.

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fuck off, all women here and half of the men love him

Oy vey, shut it down! Shut this thread down!

Kill yourself.

He does not look jewish at all i am usually pretty good at spotting them.