The standards of are so high nowadays that you can't even drink soda to get laid LOL

The standards of are so high nowadays that you can't even drink soda to get laid LOL.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The standards are so high because they can set them like that and they do well

That girls is a bitch exposing him like that.
But let's be honest, 3 to 4 glasses of Coca Cola is hurting your body.

The soda is obviously a post-rationalization

is this because niggers are mad now that pepsi and coke wont cancel their lucrative market in the east?

That is really childish can't lie.

Meanwhile this whore does drugs and has 4 glasses of wine a night. Also fuck off with the reddit shit faggot.

I'd ghost a girl if she drank soda too

Kinda is a redflag drinking so much sugar

she's right, though.
It's unironically healthier to drink a beer than a soda

stop drinking soda, boy.

>get laid
sex before marriage is degenerate and a sin.

bumping this thread to see if Any Forums's hatred of women exceeds its disgust for high fructose corn syrup

same, people that drink Pop outside of the occasional meal or with the odd mixed drink are subhuman.

Females who have ridiculous excuses for rejecting males are crypto-lesbians who usually reveal themselves to be lesbians

And this is actually most females

Attached: Most Females Lesbians.jpg (1020x1380, 140.21K)

>this one person did this
>all people do this
just stop this shit already. it makes clicks but fuck

You're all faggots

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Shoulda made them pay or leave em at the restaurant till the owners called the cahps.

All lesbians are larpers.
They just want to have the chads but doesn’t have the standards to get one.

Just stop drinking corn syrup fatty, it's terrible for your health

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This is good he dodged a bullet

>3 or 4 glasses of soda
Do americans really? I'd ghosted any girl who did this to. It says more than enough about the person to have your alerm bells go off

When in doubt, remember this handy song...


I dropped a chick for the exact same thing. A soda once in a while is fine, but on a fucking date while having a meal? Disgusting.

What she’s TRYING to say is that she showed up and he was a lot fatter than his profile pics. Which, fair enough, but she can’t actually say it like that.

>and they do well
>ghosted afterwards
she sold her pussy for a dinner that cost less than a day's minimum wage

Zero fucks given. I drink whatever I want, whenever I want it.

>Unironically posting screenshots from r/redscarepod

Soda is the primary vector for the antichrist gene HFCS-1

aryan males are immune to the damage though, which is why we rule the world as a minority. our only problem is being nice to niggers, jews and women and then they always make their move, have to be crushed and the cycle begins anew. why do you think a cycle can't happen twice in a lifetime?

average r/femaledatingstrategy poster

>Creates ridiculously high standards so when they are rejected, they don't blame it on themselves, they blame it on "no good men".

When "Mr. Wrong" is actually wrong because of the "Mr." part, she might be a crypto-lesbian

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sugar is literal poison though
so should be avoided just for that.

Go back to /u/ nigger.

I can't stand soda anymore. What's the point? The massive amount of sugar makes you feel like garbage shortly after you drink it.
If I want energy I'll have tea or coffee. If I want something cold and fizzy I'll have a sparkling water.

>sugar is literal poison though
True, but no woman get to dictate what I drink.

It’s literally sugar water, idk why people like soda so much. I got covid last year and ever since then soda tastes like some type of drain cleaner to me. I haven’t had a full glass of soda in months.

>barely legal
What does she mean by this?

Just drink sugar-free cola

Lay off the sugar fatass

>Soda is childish!
explain why boomers love soda then, yet you're a gen-Z faggot with the lowest T levels ever recorded in history

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You first, lowlife

>they do well
The vast majority of these women will probably end up childless and unhappy

Why should I care what women think? Bitch I'll hold you down and pour Pepsi down your throat and ain't shit you can do about it. I'll fucking shove an RC cola up your butthole using dr pepper as lube. Fanta? More like damna Shasta just blasta my assa. You want water bitch? How about some Sprite in your eye? Knock knock. Who's there? Bangs root beer. Bangs root beer who? Bangs root beer is all you're allowed to drink in this sex dungeon you whore of Babylon.

>nice dinner
>not drinking wine

What do the Jannies get out of allowing these obvious ad threads? I'm starting to think that there must be some sort of kickback for every reddit and Twitter ad that is allowed to be spammed here.

the only one I will have on rare occasions is a strong ginger beer, and they're served best mixed with whiskey.

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Went on a date the other night.
After seeing the fat pig I wanted a drink so god damn bad I didn't know what to do.
So I just drank coca cola. I made a joke to the teenage cocktail waitress asking if it had real coke in it. She thought it was funny and later we made passionate love all night long.
Every once in a while I DM the Kelly Clarkson look alike to make the girl 20 years younger jealous. Turns out women are complete idiots.

I am a femanon who is obsessed with nutrition and healthy eating so yes this would gross me out too. Only way I can make this work if he agrees to my diet plan of not consuming 36 g of sugar daily.

Fat christcuck hands typed this

>sugar is literal poison
Are you stupid? It's the most basic type of food. You body turns everything into sugar. Fucking plants are basically only made of sugar.

Imagine not ordering 2x whisky’s… What a faggot.

my parents keep buying diet soda
i probably drink over 1 liter a day for like 20 years
cant be good for my health or teeth

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Its quite sad, really.

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Artificial sweeteners are more harmful than real sugar.
Artificial sweeteners like aspartame make you gain 40% more fat + they have damage your brain and liver.

>Bangs root beer.
It's Barq's you faggot, learn to read cursive.

Translation:The guy wasnt Chad so heres some horseshit to make you not realize Im completely shallow teehee.
Reminder Chad could drink from a baby bottle in front of women and still sexually arouse them.

Basically this. Dating market becomes clear when you start seeing in as an actual economic market. Remember women saying this is a conspicuous signal that you are high value and can afford to be picky. We all know if Chad was pounding down pepis she would still suck his dick

Someone claiming to be a grown up and not caring about their own health is absolutely a deal breaker. If they don‘t even have the discipline to not poison themselves, every aspect of their existence is going to be pure chaos. Nobody in their right mind would want to be dragged into that.


just means full of chemical sugar substitutes that STILL trigger an insulin response. Soda is fucking poison.

Water. Tea. Coffee. Done.

What if he is drinking Diet Coke? Than it’s not that bad like the women screeching in the OP

If you knew anything about anything you would recognize that sugar is a highly addicting substance. It's one of the primary reasons why our body stores extra carbohydrates as fat. Some sugar is fine. Anything at the levels of a soda or more is too much.

t. nutritionist

>proceeds to left swipe thousands of men who fucking fit these descriptions.

Maybe he was thirsty?

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It’s funny how men complain about women being fat then they also shame women who want to eat healthy and promote it. Make up your mind

This, women by standard have infinite times for SMV then 99% of men and can easily get with the top 1%. Any man they want to fuck they can fuck, whereas 99% of men have to earn the privilege to lay with a female. Women are the choosers, men only can get what they can get. Cope and seethe harder incels

Most women aren't lesbians. They're all bi. It seems like they are lesbians because 99% of men don't make the cut. Meanwhile most 10/10 women will les out with lower quality women because those lower quality women are still higher quality to them than most men. Women will only go after men who are in the top percentile in looks unless they're using them to get drugs or some other thing. That's why we have the "beta bucks" phenomenon. Women wouldn't have touched these men in their younger years, but once they spend their whole young life partying and have no future, they look to betas to provide them a life. They put out for a year or so and then the marriage gets added to the dead bedroom statistic because the woman is so disgusted with the man by that point that she can't do it anymore.

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It is childish though and very unhealthy.
Why would you invest in someone thats going to die young and look disgusting.

>people who drinking coke are childish
>posts her blog on twitter

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drinking soda is truly weird as an adult
or even as a child these days, to be honest. most parents should know better
and we're not just talking about drinking soda, which is already bad in itself. but drinking soda at a RESTAURANT. on a date. wut?

>Any man they want to fuck they can fuck
But women only want Chad and constantly seethe only Stacies get Chad.

You have a source for that? Insulin is not triggered by what the tounge feels, its literally by chemical reactions to sugars

It's a woman on the red scare podcast subreddit. If you saw a picture of her in public you wouldn't even want to have sex with her, the only guys willing to date her in the first place are obese losers who pound down 4 glasses of soda in 30 minutes.
Think of how much of a fat fuck her and her date were.

>no 2 year old who is 'muh entire worlds'
>no cellulite
>6 figures
>either AA- or C+
>will agree with me politically and forfeit voting rights
>Dinner nightly
>not on adderall or BC
or gtfo

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Ofc it is. Putting that artificial shit into your body is always a sign of someone not being stable, no matter what the exact ingredients are.

>diet sugar water

I eat about 5 pizzas every week. I mainly drink Kombucha and beer though

>t. nutritionist
Nutritionists will claim one thing is bad for you one month and the next say it's a super food. Your field is less of a science than psychology.

women are so interesting.

It shows hes quite no fucks given so a chilled out dude with no neuroticism so a good one night stand candidate.

> women are based because they are secretly more racist than men, and because their high standards prevent shitty genes from being passed on
> this woman is not based, because she was turned off by that guy filling his body with liquid garbage
Pick one and only one, niggers. I don't like feminism and the hoops men have to jump through either, but let's at least be consistent. Partnership is supposed to be a balance: two imperfect beings working together to create a more perfect union. The woman shouldn't expect perfection at the start of a fresh relationship, but we also shouldn't expect her to make a diamond out of a turd

Diet coke is more likely to make you a fat fuck than regular coke.

>being this new

Tbh anyone drinking sugar water should fuck off out of the gene pool

Nah, that's not true. Stop reading mom-science blogs and start reading the data.

Have fun, buddy.

And not just one.
And yes, letting your kids drink soda is just as bad. But i‘d say, i‘d understand a child not having the self discipline to say no if someone offered them soda. But an adult - buying it on purpose - disgraceful.

There is no governing body for nutritionists so literally everyone is legally allowed to call themselves nutritionists. I know this because I scammed hundreds of people at various gyms by posing as a (((nutritionist))) and basically just regurgitating shit I read on Any Forums

t. nutritionist

He drank 40 something ounces of it in a single sitting. That's nearly 1/4 of your daily calories in just soda. She's a shallow bitch, but she's not wrong. That's fucking gross.

But no sugar

a woman on reddit is pretty much a guarantee to be fat catlady or a camslut so safely disregard opinion. this thread is futile.

>nooooooooo you can't just drink what you like

lol no wonder the meals-for-one section is always empty

If you care so much, look it up yourself.

This just means lifestyles don’t match. He is better off with a girl who eats junk food all day. My bf is more nutrition conscious than me and I love it because it’s something I care about too.

The only way this is problematic if the girl is being a hypocrite and eats unhealthy herself.

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No, she isn’t, simp retard

"Grow up"
A yes the favorite thing to say for a gender that stops mentally developing after the age of 14.

That’s just not true. I’m Any Forums and drink a bunch of diet sodas & energy drinks with %12 bf

This isn't unreasonable. I quit drinking soda 15 years ago (although a Sprite of 7-Up when you're sick as fuck is a good idea). Biologically, she does not want to be pumped full of sperm degraded by corn syrup. Even if subconscious, she's thinking: "He will be dehydrated and cannot discern what is replenishing vs. purely for taste -- he is in touch with his base nature, not thinking of my future offspring, or our partnership." It isn't that far-fetched. Plus, if she is into piss-play, she probably wasn't looking forward to the soda piss versus water piss. Fuck if I know lads.

I find that some types of soda, specifically some of the higher quality stuff is still alright in moderation like what you mentioned. I’m mainly talking about the common sodas you find everywhere (coke, pepsi, mountain dew, sprite, etc.). Some people can drink it like it’s water and I just can’t anymore, my body rejects the stuff.

post your boobs milkies titties booba booba booba MILK truck

>Makes $500k a year.
>Built like Adonis.
>Huge social circle.
>Crazy fun lifestyle.
>Drinks 3 to 4 full glasses of Coke.
>Forever Alone.

drinking the soda-jew is an absolute red flag

How much coffee do you think this slag drinks, and how often does she squirt it up her ass for a cleanse?

Shes right.

>thousands of millionaires are 6 foot with 8 inch dicks

6 inches.
Take it or leave it.

I like that he didn't get his drink there.

doesn't matter because that's not their primary concern. do you think women are rational and plan their future? no, they just follow their instincts..

At least he doesn't use Reddit.

>3 or 4 full sized glasses of coke
That's gross. Even at my worst for consumption of soda I'd still never drink more than 2 at a restaurant. Nowadays I just get diet cola of some kind when I have a meal out. It makes it a little more special and the carbonation wipes my palette between bites.

Imagine not drinking 3-5 glasses of soda and having wild sex afterwards
Must suck for sub 6 foot "men"

Having good body composition doesn‘t automatically make you healthy.

whew ...
are you White?
East Coast?

pls be


I went on a few dates with a girl who regularly consumed corn syrup and it genuinely put me off

Probably more than is healthy, and probably more often than I'd guess. That's not the point. Her being a disgusting bitch isn't an excuse for some dude to be a disgusting faggot. Be healthy for yourself, not some dumb reddit whore.

Taking a profile pic in a Walmart aisle...

I drink a shitload of soda when i detox. Also a can of diet pepsi every morning for the hangover.

I do the same shit I want ketchup packets but then I never use them. It's like having the power of choice and control but rejecting the syrup at the same time.

I can't imagine how miserable life must be for people who think this way.

The whole thing is fabricated. These "edgy" femcel spinsters are so terminally lonely they type up fan fiction all day and night while wine drunk by themselves

That's entirely too much coke (probably those 20 oz glasses or at least a pint each) but who gives a fuck maybe had a long day at work and just wanted to have fun so he wasn't counting

No Ivan, they do not. They end up like Lainey. Sad and alone.

That all said, drinking 4 full glasses of Coke is kinda gross if it doesn't have booze in it.


>Sprite of 7-Up
this with baking soda and lemon

I drink 4 Bangs root beers in the morning and I'm unstoppable. 2% body fat and 7 figures. Ignore the blogspot nutritionist shills in here.
>picrel is my body type

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Being anonymous is a crazy thing. People here act like the average girl on reddit (or Any Forums for that matter) is like a normal cute girl they'd see in public.
They're unironically the male versions of the people who use these websites. Overweight, usually ugly with poor hygiene.
I looked at a starterpack making fun of women on FDS for being fat once and like every woman in the thread was like "FDS is bad but don't make fun of them for being fat ;(((" because they know they are, too.

>6 feet
>0 figures
>8 inches
im so close

>drinking soda
Just do cocaine like an adult

Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH

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No one is immune to that much sugar unless they have a high energy job.

>consuming large quantities of jew syrup is a good quality in a man

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U live in Croatia and can't get any pussy? No wonder you let NATO and the EU fuck you since you aren't getting fucked any other way kek

>requires 8 inches to drill past the fat deposits
The absolute state of roast beef.

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to be honest she is right. 4 glasses of coke at dinner is fucking gross. he's going to get diabetes. she made the right choice.

>don't be fat
That's been a standard for quite some time

Woman aren’t interested in a man but instead their mentally constructed fantasy of that man. That dumbass ruined that image by chugging soda

>This isn't unreasonable

Fuck off faggot this is absolutely retarded. Thinking this is a reasonable opinion is why you will forever be a virgin.

>what is duct tape and a knife
Take the rape pill, user.

Newfag detected

Ive never met a beer drinker who wasnt a total pussy. Drink water or drink drain cleaner

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It is, mechanism is unknown but sugar alternatives promote storing energy in fat cells.

Soda is nasty, i am with her

Did YOU read this?
The abstract says right off the bat that there isn't any evidence to link sugar intake to adverse health effects.

She is right, that is gross, and furthermore, soda is for literal children.

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Sad. On my first date with my wife of 13 years, she remembers me spilling come out of my straw awkwardly. We always look back at that memory fondly.

Things should get better.

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>drink 8 glasses of fluoride and estrogen. Don't buy water filters or bottled spring water that pollute the environment.

good quality in man to a woman means something alien to good equality in man to men

Good quality to men:Upstanding law abiding will take care of his kids

Good quality to women:Violet aggressive uncaring unfeeling will never raise his kids constantly gets in trouble

Daily aspartame is awful for everybody. Sugar is just awful for diabetic cucks. Skinny people who drink Diet Coke are just fags.

This. A 6ft5 fit Chad can be a literal pedo and do nothing but chat about how he went to jail for diddling kids and all she'll say is that she wants to change the subject.

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7 figure income? What? CEO or professional athlete only. Oh, and you better have an 8” hog, as well.

LMAO coke (c o k e) turns into come?

She's fat, hence the water, but he was less jacked than she wanted, hence her gay rationalization over soda. Dudes putting down four glasses of soda are either super fat, and thus four twelve ouncers is normal, or super fit and thus can work that shit off no problem.

What this really is is clear modern brainlet rationalization. Ditch husks like this, regardless of their outward appearqnce or genetalia. They are microwaved and only exist to consume. Slag is as slag does.

>Like grow up

Irony. Bitches head belongs in a garbage bag.

Having a coke with your meal is fine but drinking soda after soda is a sign of someone who is either dumb or just careless about their health.

It should set off some alarm bells.

Nope, just the worst fucking autocorrect ever.