Storm a building, take the elevator to the roof for the "higher groundz"

>storm a building, take the elevator to the roof for the "higher groundz"
>ukrainians flip off the elevator
>stuck inside, ukrainians shitting themselves laughing in the control room
2nd army in the world

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lmfaooo what a bunch of niggers

Now all the they have to do is toss a block of semtex down the elevator shaft.

This was a fake story, it’s literally just a photo of them in the elevator

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>50.000 thousand city with a nuclear power plant that gives electricity to 1/3 of hohol-land
>taken in 1 night with 0 civilian casualties

You can cope as you wish

Proof of this? All I see is a picture, that could mean anything

cool story bro.

Remember no Ukranian

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I just asked for proof user

Someone made up the shit in the OP and someone believes it?

the dude pounding on the door with his rifle seems kind of concerned

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No user, he's just singing a song to calm the squad from the panic of being stuck on the elevator at floor 1

Idk about you Ivan but those grunts sure look clean to be on patrol

Haha i cuckled. Is there anything more stupid on the planet than slav..not even a question.

How afraid you globohomo niggers are right now?

These are Ukrainian soldiers that civilians locked in to give them to the Russian army. Nice try CIA.

Anyone else not realize there was a mirror?

>Is there anything more stupid on the planet than slav
A mongol who's country is rightfully Swedish clay.

Terrified. They're in maximum cope and seethe mode knowing they have no choice but to 41% themselves before we do.

>those are VDV soliders

these niggers are ought to be the best of the best of the best that russia has to offer and russian boomers killing them on mass because they are literal russian subhumans with an average IQ of 80

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