What if these numbers are true?

What if these numbers are true?

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But they aren't.

Impossible to be true. That is 209 tanks more than what russia had. Also that is more soldiers than russia has equipment for.

What if they are?

Why are troop numbers so overwhelming inflated, people cant possibly believe this many people have died in one week.

russians could just switch to nato style invasion and murder 5 million ukrainian civilians
they are invading with light infantry because unlike some hypocrites, russians seem to care for civilian casualties

Here's what 10,000 dead Russians looks like

Attached: 10,000 dead Russians.png (7009x3582, 1.1M)

>the quieef independent
It’s 100% true

>Estimated by Ukraine's Armed Forces

Care for civilian casualties as in seeking out civilians to kill because fighting is to hard?

If they were true, it would be an embarrassing disaster but wouldn’t stop the war. They aren’t true though.

at least they should try to support their claims by giving tangible proof, like showing ruskie's dogtags

What if when you die you get 72 virgins but they all look like this

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What if they aren't?

It would indicate that the Russian army is a Mickey mouse force. But it isn't real
>inb4 tibla vatnik
Have we seen footage indicating large battles with such casualties? No. Is this was even actually happening?

Turns out they had covid

>The kiev independent
Trust me bro!

What if Santa Claus is real?

What boats? I haven't seen much reports on naval clashes

Putin does not care. He will gladly send millions of Russians to their death. He will be safe in his bunker no matter what.

what if you could be a woman?

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>Heh, of course the holocaust didn't happen. NPC normies can't question the narrative at all. It's physically impossible that they cremated that many bodies. There is no evidence of this happening.
but at the same time
>Heh, the Russians are getting BTFO. The based heckin' Neo-Nazis Trad Anti-Globalist Heckin' Wholesome 100 Ukrainians have killed 100 gorillion Russians, destroyed 900 APCs and shot down 500 helicopters and my proof is.... they just did okay?
why is Any Forums like this?

>give me reliable sources like Russia Today

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I for one trust all the western news about this conflict. Why would (((they))) lie?

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When Xir wants to Netflix and rant about the patriarchy

they're brigaders from vaush and other shills

Send another wave

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what if niggers tongue my anus

The civilians got brainwashed into shooting ancient assault rifles and tossing beer bottle sized molotovs at the Russians. The Russians dont need to seek out civilians to kill because those that are killed are making it abundantly clear they aren't actually civilians.

What if I wasn’t a dumb faggot nigger from a geopolitically worthless part of the world that’s run over by Somalis?

>gee. Idk user. Maybe it’s true?

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It isn't true, but if it were, it would be because UKR has our intel on troop movements and whatnot while Russia has zero intel

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>What if these numbers are true?
Then they are numerically insignificant relative to the size of the Russian military.

10,000 dead? Only 890,000 to go!

Ukraine doesn't win by killing an arbitrary number of Russian's nor does Russia win by killing an arbitrary number of Ukrainian's.

If they did, wars would be fought with nukes and nukes alone.

Wars are won by taking and holding key objectives, by holding and controlling resources and land.

Russia is objectively winning.

Attached: Ukraine_Map.png (960x602, 629.26K)


Those numbers are accurate with how Ukraine counts kills.

I mean, they destroyed a single Russian convoy several times, they’ve decimated the Chechen force a few times as well, and even killed that Chechen general like 4 or 5 times.
Allah keeps resurrecting him.
I kinda feel bad for the guy; 5x72 = 360 virgins for a Muslim who has died 5 times.
Who the fuck wants to deal with 360 women’s bullshit in their afterlife?