Goodbye, ISS

Translation of lyrics

Goodbye from all stations trains
Are leaving for faraway lands.
Goodbye under the white January sky
We're parting forever
Goodbye and don't promise anything
And don't say anything
And to understand my sorrow, look at the empty sky
Do you remember we were floating on high
And suddenly the two stars went out
But it's only now that I know
That it was you and me

Attached: .png (1921x1080, 3.04M)

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Ok really nice of you

Robots win the space race screencap this
Humans are created for this to happen. Accept it apeman.

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Oh no, I translated the wrong verse. Here's the one in the video.

Goodbye, the dawn is breaking in the distance,
and day is coming to the cities
Goodbye, we're parting forever
Under the white skies of January
Goodbye and promise nothing
And don't say anything,
And to understand my sadness
Look at the empty sky.

Finally the Globohomo station goes down
Good riddance

They can't keep the international fake station lie going forever.

Ain’t nothing cool Ivan about destroying the only proper manned space station. >Are you a woman or a faggot by chance?

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Is this really happening?

Trying to find story of space station de-orbiting

Attached: F532ADBE-6085-454C-B582-B67B0BC9D276.png (1300x2840, 3.62M)

Oh, it’s real. Lost a lot of respect for the Russians Bc of it.

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Can't you see the computer graphics? This is a joke video from Roscosmos.


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no man, its a sad poem because the guy who wrote it can see where things are going: the ISS is fucked

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>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
>Off-topic and Any Forums-tier threads will be deleted
All fucking fields. Do your fucking job jannies


Блядь, кaкoй жe Poгoзин бeзмoзглый eблaн, пиздeц пpocтo...

Attached: thumb_hmm-computer-reaction-faces-know-your-meme-52514306.png (300x300, 32.58K)

This song is an old one.

well, the station wasn't designed to last forever
and that was assuming the US and Russia got along indefinitely

Are they really destroying the ISS? Fuck

>They can't keep the international fake station lie going forever.
Indeed. {{they}} fucked this ruse up from the beginning. Too much shady/unexplainable footage in HD {{floating}} about. It was one thing when they projected the moon bullshit three or four times before broadcasting it to deteriorate the resolution that was shit to begin with. Today not so much. Space is more fake and homosexual than the most recent {{pandemic}}.

>a memeflag posts his rejected script

Attached: americanpsycho.jpg (1252x704, 122.7K)

"The reason given is that the plant is in a technically unsuitable condition. And in 2024 the situation will become critical. In principle, it is logical. The plant was designed to operate until 2015. So, all warranty periods are long behind us, and the plant is constantly being patched up."

ISS already lived loooooooooooooooong enough tho

OP's image is literally CGI. This image was also the most pathetic attempt ever it's like they didn't even try. You can even see some of the green pixels from the chroma key they used to put the "moon" in front of the earth.

Attached: epicmoon5jul2016.gif (600x600, 2.07M)

This would be equivalent to when Obama cancelled the space shuttle before a replacement was ready, leaving us to use Soyuz for over a decade. Retire the ISS in good time, but not before a new space station is ready.... that shit does not make sense

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