Society is falling apart because of low marriage rates

Why doesn’t the gov progressively increase your taxes the longer you stay unmarried? This will put real pressure on high earning men and women to find a marriage partner. Also, make divorcr very hard, at least 3 years “cool off” period to avoid marriage hopping and reintroduce adultery as a criminal offense.

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nigga, you are the carbon they want to reduce.

Divorce lawyer lobby for a start

>caring about "society"

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you are in idiot if you want to get married and shit out kids these days. Trust me you'll regret it. It's better to get pussy and have fun, but never marry unless you are retarded.

>Why doesn’t the gov progressively increase your taxes the longer you stay unmarried
Yeah, make low income men have it even harder to find a partner.

This is why you lose wars.

>do just this
>get high rates of domestic violence and women being murdered

Why don't we just execute all the feminists?

This user fucks. Keep taking those daily red pills and sharing them fren. Marriage, cohabitation and breeding are a nightmare for men in today’s world

end child support for men - then watch what happens

Now THIS is an idea.

it's because of the obliteration of the family values and society foundation they did it all over the planet stop acting like it's something new or unknown

Jew detected

So you're saying there's no downside?

>Men don't marry the women they love, and I learned the hard way
Translation: I dumped/cheated on my boyfriend to get pumped and dumped by Chad that didn't want me in the long term and now my previous boyfriend is married to a younger girl

Gotta fix the marriage laws first. Taxing people isn't the answer. Men basically used to own their wives, but the state emancipated them through various different means. The final nail in the coffin was the "marital rape" laws that started sweeping through in the 70's and by the 90's all states and provinces had them.

They effectively do have a bachelor tax on poor single men with the ever upward housing cost pressure via immigration.

>Why doesn’t the gov progressively increase your taxes the longer you stay unmarried?
This gives an insane amount of power to women who are already taking advantage of the insane amount of power modern society has given them, you fucking idiot.

Japan gives out all kinds of marriage + parental incentives, including teaching NEETs how to date. And that strategy is still failing. This is beyond what the government can do at this point. The culture itself needs to change.

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Literally overheard a law student roastie on the train saying she wants to specialize on divorces because there is the most money.

you guys (mostly incels I know) just need to get pussy and fuck. If you idiots marry I guarantee you she'll divorce you within 5 years. No woman wants some racist extremist incel unless they are fat and desperate.

Maybe it’s not as bad in your country. Tone it down, Otto

It is the degenerative effects of mass media and digital dopamine, human beings simply aren't designed to cope.

Haven't you central planners learned from the covid hoax? Coercion doesn't work, it just inspires more rebellion. Divorces would increase if people were forced to marry for money you fucking retard. How about stop taxation all together and stop giving white people's money to niggers and theor homes to blackrock and the Chinese? Duuyuh

>Why doesn’t the gov progressively increase your taxes the longer you stay unmarried?
Imagine all of the tax-dodging civil partnerships that would go on if this happened. Sign a civil partnership document with your mate and suddenly your taxes and insurance costs evaporate. Magical

Families are a threat to the elites. They believe it should be a luxury afforded to billionaires and whitejew boomers (modern day """noble""" houses)

The rest of you rabble should all have bastards and broken families and whore mothers and child support. Your children's existence is not to further your bloodline or country or community but to serve as identity-less cattle for the corporation they will be working for.

>German flag
>Time of india
Ok pal

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Kek that article is pure gold. QRD
>poo promises pajeeta the sky
>poo gets sick of said coomdumpster
>poo marries another pajeeta
>first pajeeta seethes and stalks poo's social media
>from article: "I checked out the woman’s profile. She was a Punjabi whereas, my ex was a Maharashtrian. He had told me his parents would never let him marry someone from a different community. What blasphemy!"

>Why doesn’t the gov progressively increase your taxes the longer you stay unmarried?
One of the main reason men don't get married is that they're too poor.
One of the main reason women don't get married is that so many men are fucking broke.
If you want to increase taxes you better only do it for wealthy people otherwise it would probably just make things worse.

Getting married isn't the problem, is the potential divorce.

>muh society
>help it by giving the government money
are you retarded

I just want a wife and kids so bad brehs. I want to be happy with the people I love. I’m so goddamn lonely and I’m willing to fight nail and bone for my potential family

>Why doesn’t the gov progressively increase your taxes the longer you stay unmarried? T
Lmao God damn euros can't not be cucks for that government.


you can tax me all you want. i am never getting married.

wouldnt more marriages = more divorces and less marriages = less divorces?

More like chads don't marry the women they fuck

>Why doesn’t the gov progressively increase your taxes the longer you stay unmarried?
Because that's communism/fascism you ass shitted cuntfag

>progressively raise taxes on a subject most men have little independent control over
Yeah that will totally not end up in armed violence. Totally.
If you want people to marry, just fucking destroy the concepts of alimony, divorce settlement, and single custody.
I mean come on, how can expect men to look forward to marriage when it means putting one's finances and progeny completely in the hands of the wifey with effectively no legal recourse?
You need to be utterly in love or a complete retard to go through with it. And you can't really make people fall in love, so you need to make the status appealing to smart people too if you want people to marry more.

based.. but that does not mean to not fuck and get pussy.. fuck the vag and ass.. have fun.. just don't marry and crap out kids

>nobody is getting married
>let's punish men even more

Forcing women to marry men is misogyny.

Don't see how this is my problem. Feels really good not to care. Bad choices have consequences whether we forsee them or not. I know most people really don't understand that fact of reality and nature but it's still true nevertheless