Keep voting GOP chud

Keep voting GOP chud

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Thought that was Barbara Chandler on the right.

>at least 74%

Globalism and immigration

It was Nixon


What a shitty correlation is this?

I don't care about this issue, but if you seriously think CEOs earn 373 times more because of CUT TAXES then you just done know what taxes are. It doesn't matter tho because all of these numbers are fabricated.

>thinking it was reagan and not nixon
this is your brain in libtardism.

The problem with the wealthy is that they can be very mobile. If the US has a high taxation rate then the rich entrepreneur can go to a more tax-friendly nation. There are many. Businessmen would be greeted with open arms.

You know why all those Brit writers, singers and actors started coming over to the US in the 1970s? The insanely high tax rate made it silly to stay. Who wants to work for nothing?

Look up “Laffer Curve”: lower taxes means more industry means more tax revenue.

The entire implication is that the people on the left had what they had because the government stole from others.

Well that is just bullshit.

Keep sucking endless amounts of cock OP

Why can't we have a political system that bans non-white immigrants, criminalizes homosexuality, and DOESN'T practice cringe ass laissez-faire freemarket Reagonomics? Is that too much to ask for?

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This shit started with Johnson using the middle class boom to feed his Great Society Garbage, worsened with Nixon facing the end of Bretton Woods, and entered its current state with Carter and Reagan being the first nu-liberals.

Kids these days have never seen Ferris bueller. Sad.

You know It was Eisenhower a Republican that taxed the shit out of the rich and used it for infrastructure. Many leading democrats are in tight with wall street and making a lot of money on the stock market. It's not a party thing, it's a sea of shitty corrupt politicians thing.

Wtf do taxes have to do with it? You think the government was giving away all that tax money they were collecting from the rich and giving it to the poor back then? Why do idiots think giving more to the government is the way to go?

>working poor
Unworking poor in the U.S. is unironically better off than middle class in most other countries.

>the world was going to continue being a bombed out rubble and not recover
>the American industrial age would have continued with no competition forever and ever
I've noticed that leftists have no concept of a dynamic system, it's always supposed to act on rails until the death of the universe

>all of these numbers are fabricated.
Yeah half the time you look into it and it's based on completely biased info and huge assumptions.

Imagine thinking who you vote for in this oligarchy actually matters with regard to the status quo. Typical divide and conquer shill.

Yep. These idiots have no idea what poverty is.

shut up and get to 'work' pay pig.

Thats a meme bro. Youre just repeating what you saw or read here without actually looking into it. For example silicon valley sint going anywhere outside of the usa. You know why right?

Republicans are globalists too. Why have they never tried to shut the border? It's because they take all of their cues from the Better Business Bureau. Both parties are controlled by NGOs. The only reason to vote republican is on social issues, which keep slipping away anyway.

Based. Fuck unions

Reagan was faggot shriner

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Is there an implication that those two are connected? Because if so, that’s pretty retarded - working class people before Reagan were not living because rich paid taxes, they weren’t fucking ebt niggers.


Occupy Democrats are always so thought provoking

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I’d rather be poor than surrounded by niggers.

There are literal jannies cleaning shid and piss for 11 an hour. That’s kind of fucked up, especially since this country is filled with degenerate subhumans

>voting doesn't matter reeeee
>globohomo is taking over the world reeeee
Go run for office then you fucking ape
All of you post this shit like you're fucking 200 IQ but these statements mean literally less than fucking nothing, everyone knows that the people you get choices to vote for in this shithole country are puppets
I'd rather have divide and conquer shills than NEETs pointing them out and doing nothing besides "lol you got played retard"

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I mean the way capitalism is set up, once you start making money, you snowball into making more money.

And money at the end of the day. Is the ability to buy goods and services. Because bartering is inefficient. The more people working the better.

Anyways the answer to that problem is simple. Government subsidies for the things people need. Government should create and subsidize Housing/Food/Energy/medical care. The only reason they don’t is because they hate you and recieve kickbacks by certain institutions . They could wipe out homelessness, student debt (free college), bring gas prices lower, medical costs. But they are so deeply bought off, they dont give a fuck.

Instead both sides just give you bullshit. Conservatives pass “owning the libs” legislation like bullshit about trans people. And Democrats get a Black Woman on the Supreme Court. Who gives a flying fuck about either thing.

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There's no problem. If companies try to leave take the IP. Problem solved.

my whole life summed up in a sentence.

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Why would I play their game? Self reliance is the way forward you ape. The game has been won. Violence is the only way out of this. These people are not just gonna give their power away. You must be young and naive.

>Investment capital firms are buying up homes, making middle class completely unattainable
>What do we do?
>Well first, we've got to ban being gay


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kill yourself faggot

10 million? Seems low kike.

You actual lost money even with wages going up because inflation took that increase and then some.

Impossible! Barbara Chandler would rather die than work. She was called Snorlax for a reason.

Life is not measured by what you have. Happiness levels of the working poor are below many impoverished nations

the 80s were the first time people had any money, this is pathetic revisionism. It was literally a non stop party, which is why he won like 49 states in re election.

Better than democrat.

Oh shit you mean sanctions levied unilaterally will cause an increase?
OH SHIT Now tell m,e whose idea it was to make them?
Oh Bidens?
Yeah I guess he is the problem after all.

If you think the stock market is bursting you're fucking retarded. Market has been crawling through a consolidation for the past few weeks, and seems to be breaking down rather than up.

Biden is the reason he was able to wage the war you retards. The natural state of the world is war, a strong USA is the only thing that stopped this in a large scale for 70 years. We're weak now and no quips or bitching about iraq is going to stop the incoming global warfare

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Come on, guys. Come on. Don't read dialectic horseshit.

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people think more=happier... it couldn't be further from the truth. There are so many more factors at play. sur eyou need shelter, food, water..but you also need friends, purpose, hobbies, etc.

the federal reserve is not spelled
reagan, not mentioning amnesty

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>Disrespecting Obama: Treason! To the chair with you!
>Disrespecting Trump: So brave, so bold. You deserve a prize.

If it wasn't for double standards, the left wouldn't have any.

60+ year olds should be fucking banned from Any Forums holy shit