All this, for this?

all this, for this?

Attached: Skärmavbild 2022-03-05 kl. 15.10.17.png (724x290, 45.32K)

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Feels like a "now you'll fucking listen" type situation.
they will keep that territory with the canal also. you see without fresh water crimea was not so profitable for Putin.

Nah. With russia on our border we need even more guns.

The Russian economy is in free fall.

They're fucked.

Attached: Whitepepe tranparent.png (1896x1776, 1.79M)

will NATO even respect any deal done at gunpoint between Russia and Ukraine?
what's Putin gonna do if the west just keeps arming Ukraine anyway? declare a state bankruptcy in protest?

>don't even want Donbass
one more week and they will give Ukraine Crimea

>Disarm Ukraine so next time we go in it'll be smooth as butter.

has nothing to do with whether its at gunpoint or not.. NATO is just the 'no russia club', they just won't accept any deal that is in any way, shape or form, fair for Russia
That's why I suspect this conflict will drag on indefinitely

They're not listening though and all Russia has achieved is to destroy their military reputation, economy and political standing while giving the west the ideal proxy forever war to isolate and bleed Russian strength with.
Nord stream 2 alone was worth infinitely more to the oligarchs than Crimea or a disarmed Ukraine, let alone the financial punishments that the EU and US are dealing out. Putin is fucking up hard and is going to get ousted by the party within the next couple of years.

That's really lame. They should at least ask for Luhansk and Donetsk.

Jokes aside both sides are being stupid killing Slavic people on both sides, it did not need to get to this point.

As a White (Ethnic-European) nationalists I come up with a fair peace deal all sides can agree with.

My idea:

>Sevastopol legally becomes part of Russia
>NATO has a no Ukraine joining agreement for 50 years
>If Russia invades Ukraine again Nato declares war agreement
>Nato Limited warships in the black sea agreement
>Ukraine get a 50 year 2% Gas fee off of Russia gas passing Ukraine.
>Russia gives 200 tonnes of Gold to Ukraine (They have 2500 tonnes of gold reserves)

I think that is a fair deal everyone can get behind.

Our true enemies love that we are killing each other.

Attached: IkcHS2P8_4x.jpg (1792x1952, 746.71K)

No banans as well? This will make Putin a sad monke.

He had to try, or he would have ended up with another nato country on russia's border anyway.

Why would Russia pay reparations faggot, that's for the loser

the banan fields of Crimea, do not underestimate the harvest of those

Can some of the unpaid Kremlin shills explain to me how the does fuck this make even an inkling of sense -- and in what fucking universe will this reality ever be manifested?
They overthrew your pro-Russian candidate TWICE ("b-but muh CIA coup" is irrelevant, since if that's the case they're much more likely to do it again), and after you INVADE THEIR COUNTRY with the explicit premise of either toppling their government entirely and placing a puppet, or diminishing the sovereignty of the country down to a size, they will somehow be more accepting of the result, even after being supplied enough weapons and munitions to have 10 simultaneous insurgencies against you?

Is this a fucking joke?

Attached: 1581360077065.png (220x218, 76.99K)

They gain Sevastopol as legal territory, it is a fair deal.

> We want whole Ukraine, denazification and demilitarization!
> We want Donbass, Crimea, denazitifaction and demilitarization
> We want Crimea and demilitarization
One more week and rusia will demilitarize itself in ukraine
Stupid rusia monke

>Half of the Russian army is Nazi larpers
>Declares it is a war against "Nazies and White Nationalists" to make Jewish overlords in Russia, Israel and America happy

It was a own-goal from the beginning.

Attached: hahaha.gif (244x230, 898.24K)

There's literally no reason for the Ukraine or NATO to agree to a deal that bad.

And then what? NATO is a pointless organization if Russia isn't making military offensive military moves. Nord stream 2 would have provided Russia with huge soft power in the Eurozone, but instead Russia is completely isolated and powerless again because Putin is stuck in his dinosaur cold war mentality of Russia projecting power in the Eurozone with naval military might, even though the black sea fleet is a floating scrap yard going on couple of decades now.
Attacking the Ukraine literally did the US diplomat/CIA's job for them 100 times better than they could ever have hoped for. No matter if peace is reached or Russia pacifies and annexes the Ukraine entirely, Russia has lost badly.

why would there be a fair deal when one side is losing

Russia as a person would be some kind of Schizo lunatic who is about to get int to the loony bin just a matter of time