How do different countries feel about the war?

It seems to me that the closer a country is to Russia, the more the people hate Russia and support Ukraine. I've noticed Americans support Russia much more than Europeans.
Where are you on the map and which side do you support?

Sorry not including Belarus but as a close ally of Russia I thought it would be too big an outlier to include. Anons from Belarus can respond with their opinions.

Attached: europeshaded.png (1000x998, 438.96K)

At the beginning I was totally symphatetic to Russia. But more war continues more I dislike them, and root for Ukraine. Did I get jew'd?

Note also that I included Slovakia, Hungary, Moldova and Romania with countries that border Russia because these countries border Ukraine which is in the process of being occupied by Russia, and Moldova is already partially occupied by Russia. Norway is yellow because so few Norwegians live close to Russia.

Macedonians overwhelmingly support Russia not because we are Russophiles like the Serbs but because NATO and the EU have fucked us over 1000 times, only our government is color revolution like Zelensky, we want NATO downfall

Albanians in Macedonia support Ukraine because Russia=Serbia and if NATO takes a hit their entire existence is at stake

How about you put: support neither because there are no good guys here?
I support the people. Russians, Ukrainians Belarusian etc. I hate globohomo. Because this war is globohomo organized I don't support either side because this war will be used to enslave ppl globally.

people support Ukraine here but well, there is no hatred towards Russians, only to Vladimir Putin's government.

>support neither
don't vote then. I'm not going to put 50% more options in the poll. It would be interesting to know how many people have no opinion one way or the other but that is a matter for a separate poll.
I'm sure most people feel the same way about ordinary people whichever side they support in the war
yeah ngl fuck Greece for all the bullshit they've stirred up against your country over the years, we should have kicked them out of NATO arguably

I don't support neither of them, but I hate more the ukrainan president than the russian one, and if all of this shit would hurt Usa and jews, would make me happy


Attached: 1643712380113.jpg (3210x2882, 2.63M)

>a Brit's first discovery of the butthurt belt

I side with no Putin even Ukraine's goverment is very corrupted. And hope no nuclear war ,life is enough hard as it iis,no need to add nuclear wastelands

As a Finn I support Ukraine, been there twice.
Amazing people who don't deserve this war, I just hope this war ends quickly before it gets escalated.

You didn't leave an option for "could give a shit"

not putting in 50% more options. just don't vote

I don't support Ukraine i just hate russia

>It seems to me that the closer a country is to Russia, the more the people hate Russia
Yes, it seems to me that the more a country has had experiences with Russia, the more it hates them. What a strange phenomenon.

let me put it this way: which side do you want to win this war?

> I've noticed Americans support Russia much more than Europeans.
you guys will always be our bitches.

I want russia to lose therefore ukraine

>NATO and the EU have fucked us over 1000 times

Literally just apply to become a member of NATO like Montenegro did my dude

>yeah ngl fuck Greece for all the bullshit they've stirred up against your country over the years, we should have kicked them out of NATO arguably

It's not just Greece, Bulgaria is doing it too, all of it is coordinated, Albanians helping them as well, you don't have to kick Greece out of NATO we really just want to be left alone, 70% of Macedonians boycotted EU/NATO entry at the price of the name change, Albanians and shitlibs voted in favor and EU called it democracy

Normalfags in Poland support ookrs, cause ,,muh Russia evil". That's the majority.
The people with half a brain start noticing how it's all used as an excuse to import niggers through the eastern border, how most of the media coverage is fake shit, and how ookrs are now legally favoured over poles on the job market.
The 10% with a whole brian sees how much of a kike scam this whole thing is and just wonder the long term consequences for the world.

norway should probably be green, 80% of our forces are in the upper north to deal with russia's constant shenanigans

We are a member of NATO

Whoever wins, Europe loses.

I voted 12 times, nice try glowies

Europe or the European Union?

The whole of Europe of course

yet you didn't even bother to vote for the same option 12 times because none have that many votes. thanks for not ruining the poll
yeah idk I might have made a mistake, it's just that the Russian army would have to travel quite far and through/around other countries that it made sense to me to do it this way

Syria is European too

When Israel will be in European Union?

India too in European Union

You are? Shit I didn't notice, how did that happen lmao?

Our government is Jewish that why

Absolutely no, you have just got redpilled.

They ousted Gruevski in Soros color revolution put disgusting traitor in power and signed Prespa Agreement

>voting 12 times for the same shit
That wasn't smart enough to ruin the poll

Attached: soros.jpg (585x438, 83.87K)

Whoever wins, China and kikes win. But we can benefit from bankrupting Soviet Union in a long run.