He didn't fly so good

he didn't fly so good

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bbc division


civie jumping out of a plane?

Dead russkie

Did they shoot him in the head?

ukrainians shot down 4 helis and one or two su30s

All in one day?

shrapnel maybe from the manpad

It looks like a bullethole. How would he eject if the projectile killed him when it hit?

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seems like it, all news are from today morning

>Major Krivolapov
Literally "Major Crookedhands"

>Be Russian

Crookedhands - what's his friend name?

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Colonel F

>Any landing you can walk away from is a good one

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imagine trusting jet worth of millions of dollars to someone with this name.

Not sure how ejection system works, but probably both systems fire if one is activated. Would be a bit dumb to be in a plane with no canopy if your co-pilot has just jumped.
Can't really see the entry hole, looks like whatever it was hit him on the side

russian vdv saying ?

Went to get some BBC

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Or perhaps he is wondering why you would shoot a man before he parachutes out of the plane.