What will happen when Pepsi joins?

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literally nothing is less essential than Coke and Pepsi

>what X when Y things and X?

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Coca cola chose evil?

When Einstein was asked what weapons would be used in WW3 he couldn't have foreseen that it would be cringe.
Or maybe he did...

coca cola created a whole brand just to sell in nazi germany to play both sides of the war.

i guess they really arent hiring the best anymore in their marketing department or they would be selling it under a different name in russia and NPCs would completely ignore it, even 80 years later if you still sold both brands.

That aside if you still believe anything about this war when tweets like this are being made you should probably be euthanized. What kind of fake retarded bullshit is this to be complaining about during a supposed war.

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RC Cola nigger.

Is this a struggle session?

It's hard to think that account is run by an adult.

Apparently. Now say it again! Heil Ukraine! Say it! Louder! Heil Ukraine! H̤̻̮̥͉͓̓ͧ͐̃̍̌̓ͅe̙̳͎̳̰͖̾i͍̘̝̰͚̗̙̋̿͛̈͛ḷ͒ ̘̳̆̍̐ͦ͊U̳͉ͣ̆ͣ͗k̤̗̹̺͓̦̑́̋ȓ̰͇͆ͧā͉͔i͙̞̳͔̗͍n͌ͦ́̾eͅ!͇͓̟̳

>this is real country

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Are you:


Or are you:


??????? ANSWER the question

>hey @company if your brand doesn't fit within our narrow definition of what is currently trending, you are evil!
A large percentage of American soldiers reported despising jews during World War 2.

Holy shit this is pathetic

They go back to drinking бидeт

Fun fact: Russia gave Pepsi battleships for their drinks because rubles couldn't be translated into dollars

Not the heckin’ pepserinos!

A larger percentage of German soldiers reported despising Amerisharts during World War 2.

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Not familiar with that survey. It would make sense because they were being killed my Americans, whereas Americans were tasked with saving the lives of jews, which is why it was an interesting anomaly of what they were fighting for.

Thats what Russia needs right now, sugar water!

Get ready for Russia to reveal with secret formula for Coca-Cola.

I saw a glimpse of the future where either or both
> pepsi coca cola still supports russia


if only one of group these schmucks wagie mad scientists plugs dog robots with gpt3 and multiple AI machines algorithm neural network coding with online internet / web services 24/7

it would become self-aware prototype into wolfblade

Won't make it taste any better. I haven't had Coca-Cola in a year and when I sip some it tastes sickly sweet and disgusting.
Pepsi is even worse.

Try Blue Sky Soda.

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