So is the Russian army capable or shit?

So is the Russian army capable or shit?

I keep seeing pics of them getting blown up but that's normal to take casualties in an almost symmetric war I guess?

Also most of the internet is pro Ukraine so they post things to shit on the Russians, and those are just small snippets of the real thing.
I dont have the knowledge to tell which one is winning or operating in a good way

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Also, I know the geopolitical reason for Russia invading Ukraine:
1.they dont want UKR to get into NATO or be close to the west because its perceived as a danger since it borders Russia on a very long border and it would be hard to defend an attack, also its close to the Russian hearthland since they all live in the west of Russia
2. If UKR went western and democratic etc it could have inspired such a thing in Russia too since they're similar cultures, and that would be a threat to the Russian government
3. Ukraine supposedly has oil and gas soon to be discovered and if it associated itself with the west and sold them the gas it would deny the main source of income Russia has in it's natural resources sales to Europe, and also its lever against them

I'm not claiming to be 100% accurate, tell me if ik wrong or miss something

That said, how does that translate in their military strategy?
What do they have to do militarily to achieve their goal of preventing Ukraine to do the thing I said?
I guess it needs for a UKR government to not exist or not be capable of acting at least, even if they dont occupy the territory(the Russians I mean), or if they do occupy it, but their presence deny the enforcement of decisions from the UKR government (maybe in exile somewhere still giving commands), but i imagine it would be costly to occupy ukr and also it would tie up alot of their armed forces there, and incur casualties over time as ukr gets gear from the west and gradually blows up their stuff, not like the ukr retake their land but it would be a relevant cost for the Russians to occupy.
But still what do they have to do to achieve this? I dont understand, until the Ukrainian armed forces exist and have logistical supplies there will be a fight, the government can go in exile and command from there, so they have to conquer all of Ukraine, the first step I see is conquering at least half of it since the dniepr is the first defensible point in the plain of Ukraine.

Alternatively they need to kill most of the ukr leadership (political and military) so that they go into confusion and chaos ensues and they can steamroll them in the meantime, but I find that unlikely, you can kill some inportsnd figures but they'll be replaced, for the structure to crumble youd need to kill most of them simultaneously but I find that unlikely.
As for the oil and gas, control the areas with the oil and gas in a way that you can hold, it at least prevent them from selling it, or developing the infrastructure to extract it in the first place.

Again correct me if I'm wrong or missed something

>Literally Blitzkriegs another country better than Germany did in 1939, with a quarter of its military force and holding itself back for the civilians
> Is the Russian army capable?
This isn't a fucking Hollywood movie where an offensive lasts 2 hours.

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Thats a lot of words which I am not reading.

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If you know the (straight, unblocked) road and distance you need to travel and still run out of gas you are a retard

Russian army appears to be roughly 80 years behind the US army for instance

Nigga, they lost like 1000 armored vehicles and tanks, and this is well documented.
The US Army didn't even lose one tank in Iraq.
The Russian military is rotten and pathetic.

>100 billion million gorillion tankerinos, VDV paratroopers defeated 10 times
>Source: Kyeev Independent, BBC, CNN

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the stories about them being out of gas are made up and massively embellished

Its atleast doing better than American soldiers in Afghanistan...

Russian army is sending light infantry to avoid civilian casualties.
Simple as.

If Russians went in Ukraine like NATO went in Libya or Iraq or 50 more invasions, Ukraine would have 10 million civilian deaths. Imagine Russians just firing Iskanders, Grads, and just dumping infinite tons of artillery and bombs per day.

They could take Ukraine in an hour this way. Look up Grozny. Historical reference. They sent in infantry to take over the city. When they lost infinite soldiers in urban combat, they just leveled the city.

Here you go, Vatnik:
If even HALF of that is true, the Russian Army's performance has been utterly pathetic. (And the reality is that actual losses are probably greater than documented losses.)


I was surprised they recycled the Truckers news so fast.

>10k dead russians
>not even takeb kiev yet
literally the worst military in the world. This must have been the worst opperated invasion in human history

To sto se javljam odavde, tvista pedeset metava ispod vazine Tevazija, svedoči da je ugvožen ne samo moj fizički integvitet, nego i vasceli svpski navod!

Govovili su mi da sam kveten, gađali su me joguvtom i sapunom, kao da se ne pevem i da zaudavam...

A ja im povučujem; možete da me nevvivate, možete da me živcivate... Sve je to vezultat belosvetske, amevičko-bevlinsko-vatikasnke uljuduvme koja nastoji da svpski navod uguva pved svvšen čin!

Pvozivali su me i nazivali vaznim pogvdim imenima kao; vojvodo pedevu, pa onda, Cvvena vojvodkinjo, kava te Đovđe, tvoj vektum je naša obećana zemlja, tako su uvlali... Vetvibutno im povučujem da svpski navod ima isovijska pvava na: Belu Palanku (Island), Južnu Palanku (Antavtika), sevevno move (Avtik) i vekovnu pvadedovinu, SAO Paolo koji je glavni gvad Velike Svbije.

Bvaćo, nemojte se obazivati na Opevaciju Oluja, koja je divigivana od stvane amevike i gde je u 74 časa vazjebana SAO Kvajna, nego se okvenite osvajanju vekovnih svpskih Ukvajnskih prostvanstava!

Sledeći pvojekat je Ukvajna koji pvestavlja vekovnu cpcku dedovinu na kojem je pvedviđena MegaKvajna bez tvaktova Zetova i sličnih Hvvatsko-Vatikanskih-NATO šacovanja. Planivamo kolonizovati i Vumuniju čija naftna polja govove o istoviji svpskog navoda u Evvopi.

Jebem vam Kapču u usta, Nagasakiju i vama i đžanitorima...

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>If even HALF of that is true
that's the thing, none of it is.

>Uses hohol sources
Lmao. The harder you glowniggers are losing, the louder you shill

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You're delusional.

Go back to bed viktor.

It is shit and everyone claiming otherwise is coping.

Which is a bad thing, because it only further enforces NATO domination. In the past, one could at least hope that if push would come to shove, Russians could probably do it by strength. Yet they can't. That is why so many anons are coping this bad. I mean who else is there? Chinks? lmao.

More than a week in and the RA still can't achieve air superiority.

Maybe it's part of a 4d chess strategy of marshal Putino, but until that big reveal.. It looks interesting to say the least.

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18 yr old conscripts are not capable, nor should they be. They were sacrificed to probe enemy capabilities rather than waste trained assets. Quite frankly, Putin underestimated- or maybe just curious— the force it would take to bring about the fall of the Ukraine. Every day that passes reveals yet more cracks and weaknesses in the Russian forces though as the world watches. Victory at this point will require a hard decisive blow by a veteran force, even against non-combatants, to end this quickly. It’s going to be bloody. Not good for Putin or Russia.

Its schrodengers army, capable AND shit at the same time. Truly impressive really.

Russia is invading Ukraine with light infantry because they want to save as many civilians as possible. Ukrainians are just Russians at the end of the day.

Russia invading NATO would be 0% light infantry, and 100% heavy artillery. You wont find blond orthodox civilians in NATO. You will only find feral niggers and jihadis. No civilians worth saving. It would be a missile after missile after missile. Not even bacteria would live. Urban assault would be done with anthrax missiles, not with small arms soldier squads.

This is the sort of stuff that doesn’t make it to mainstream news and there’s a reason for that. When you start to make ridiculous claims, it’s designed to minimalize the importance legitimate stories of heroism. Each act defiance is in itself, heroic. We don’t need fake stories of people who don’t exist muddying the waters.

It is difficult to tell, I try to review first hand sources from both sides. However the time required to identify legit information, is enormous.
From the strategic point, the last moves from Ukrainian groverment was to hand out weapons to their citizens and appeal to western civilization in order to spread collective guilt and force NATO to interfere. Russia halted their main force of chechens from advance, probably to prevent a influx of pictures with dead civilians and in order to follow every war rule and be in a strong position after the conflict. The next logical step would be to find a reason to fight the civilians in the ukraine for the main Russian forces. However this might be very difficult since Putin is losing a lot of support in his population, after sanctions already effecting the normal Russian citizen. And Ukraines are viewed as a brother nation. We gonna see, what move Putin will do next. But on the long run, I believe Zelensky has no chance to outsmart him.

lmao you bothered to write this out do you have aspergers?