How does stopping business with Russia actually help the West win?

Can someone help me understand this? Today we see so many businesses stop doing business with Russia, removing their services from Russia, and ones that havent already are facing pressure to do so. How does this help? Wouldn't exposing Russian citizens to Western media/culture/propaganda actually help the west win the information war? It seems pretty dumb to completely cut all ties and totally isolate Russian citizens so their only media exposure is that of their own country/government, which basically guarantees they will be more susceptible to their own country's propaganda

I dont feel particularly strong either way, but I do find it odd how people feel so passionate about businesses removing themselves from Russia and acting like its essential. To me it seems counterintuitive and just doing Russia a favor

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Same here. We received a mail from CEO at my job telling us to stop every exchange with russia. We need management clearance to reply to email. It's retarded because we started to build devices for entertainment industry, that won't be delivered but already cost us supply and work hour.
I think it's all getting along with the covid crisis: we're ruled by retards.

It doesn't, only make Russians mad at the West

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It doesn't.
It's social media virtue signaling at it's finest.
If they gave a shit they'd be paying for guns, food and boots, but instead they're just refusing service to Russians.

It doesn't, ballsy investors will replace the virtue signaling fags. Can't stop greed.

Thanks biden and nato

Only non-retarded reason i can think of is that it's depriving citizens of what they might want, and through that, incentivise them to protest/insurrect against their govt.

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It doesn't help anything. It's all postulations

Probably helps Russia in the long term, more home grown companies will fill the gap thus keeping the profits in country.

they are hoping that Russians who became addicted and dependant on Western crap like Netflix and KFC will be so fed up they will start to oppose Putin to get their shit back. Same as EU Universities kicking out Russian Students. it is because they know the students are the ones who will stage marches and protest. The west are just using the people as pawns.

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It doesn't. It only makes all countires weaker and brings us closer to Great Reset.

Sanctions are used to make Russians stand up to their government and demand the invasion to be stopped

its supposed to bankrupt russia so putin wont be able to wage war but its hurting ordinary russian people. Difficult one, in war everyone loses

Russia has Ukraine for food
They have oil for money
Nobody can defeat Russia. Just the way it is

Imagine being such a consoomer that you start a civil war over missing out on netflix and kfc.

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Yeah I'm sure common people have a chance against OMON

I think the thing is to make OMON and troops also to stand up

As far as politics are concerned having Western corporations openly announce they are no longer doing business with Russia is an act of virtue signaling. A cheap way to apply a kind of peer pressure on Russia to make Russia feel punished. That is how the Western governments, media, and all other corporations have operated for years

Except for not buying Russian produced products the idea of Western corporations not selling products to Russia is a political theatre to give the trash in DC and on social media to feel virtuous about

>nooo you cant just cut business with putins oligarch inner circle that props him up, that actually helps putin!
are russian shills even trying?
this is pathetic damage control
borderline begging

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The only way to confuse me even more is to have an Indonesia flag after you guys.

Sanctions against Russia, are sanctions against the West.
Just wait until Western NPCs wake up and see that inflation and rise of food and oil prices is making them 30%+ poorer.

Russians need stuff manufactured in the west for their economy (computers, IT equipment, heavy machinery, some kinds of raw materials etc.)

They also need investment and capital (loans etc.) from outside investors to create business and sustain job growth.

By taking away access to these things, it has knock on effects all through the economy, e.g. no foreign loans == no money to build a new mine == no jobs from mine == no exports from mine == no money for citizens to buy things == no tax revenue == no money to pay for military == can't keep up the war effort.

Same economic strangling strategy was used against the Germans in WW1, and to a lesser extent WW2 (we just bombed their economy instead lol)

its just to cause a riot/civil war. its way cheaper than war

It doesn’t. Russia has a fuckton of resources and all the customers it needs for these in the East....

Any other “service” related business can be replaced internally... The west isn’t charge anymore and it’s hilarious that China/Russia India knows this but they don’t

I think it fundamentally misunderstands human psychology. When someone does this to you, you don't think "no please give it back I'll do anything", you think "fuck you cocksucker"

>make Russians stand up
All the puppet opposition channels was closed right after operation start, also Facebook and Twitter. Now according to Russian media business leave Russia cause they hate russians.
It will not work they way it was intended.

That will never work

It's just setting a precedent of isolating and confiscating any property from anyone they deem enemy or opposition. That means you.

Real question: has this ever once happened?

Actually accurate. Jewish corps were the first to cut ties.

Two more sanctions. Trust the plan!

There sure are a lot of posts these days saying "oh haha I don't actually care about either side of this war but shouldn't we be nicer to Russia"

>we're ruled by retards.

This, imagine being a pro west basedboy and suddenly they cut off Netflix or Starbucks the first thing you are going to do is taking off your government.

You need money to finance a war. No money = no war.

Well, we can't replace everything. Like Intel or AMD CPUs. We'll just have to buy them from China/India for twice the price.

>these sanctions that devalued my currency by over 60% actually help my country!

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>we're ruled by retards.
This is the problem across the globe. Imagine if people decided by vote who should be called a "doctor" and get to operate. Imagine how many stupid people would vote for a person who gave an impassioned speech about caring for patients, only to proceed to butcher every one.

Think about the education, licensing, testing, and liabilities involved in actual professions where customers can be injured. Now think about the requirements to be a talking head voted to power.

It's time to upgrade or replace 'muh democracy!'

It is not supposed to benefit west. It is supposed to destroy Russian econony. We will take hit too but nowhere close to the agonizing pain Russia is receiving. We may take -2% of gdp but Russia will take -50%.

it's about group thinking
they pysop you into: if you are not of the side of the good goys, we cancel you
so just like any other minority celebration, you either conform or you sink

I bet 85% of them would return after the war is over.

but how often does this actually occur? Perhaps I am historically ignorant, but when does it even happen when sanctions/boycotts actually encourage the citizenry to rebel against their government? It seems much more likely that the opposite happens, where the government is now allowed to control its populace with almost completely isolation and have far more control over their lives, like North Korea. It seems to entrench the problem. Does it not make it harder for them to rebel? When we think of rebellions like arab spring, that was helped majorly by social media. Access to global information and businesses seem to do a much better job of encouraging the populace to stand up to their government

You can just print it ;^)