How credible is this guy regarding the situation in Ukraine?

How credible is this guy regarding the situation in Ukraine?

Attached: Screenshot_2022-03-05-03-33-32-1.png (1276x1440, 864.65K)

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>baseball cap
>mutt glasses

point to someone credible Kroket eater

Didn't he die? I never know what to believe on here anymore

Attached: 1646429724366 1626988467397.jpg (750x688, 183.65K)

>got anal raped by a fat texan in a wheelchair

Attached: 1646421069440.png (808x720, 488.83K)

you're thinking of the Chechens. They've died 5 times each in the past week according to western media.

You wouldn't understand him.

why do American's think the guy who huffs and puffs the loudest is the most informed?

1:35:?? "Any Forums and shit"

he has such a long history of lies, scams and total horseshit, if he told me water was wet Id be sceptical

0% he's blowing it out of his nose
maybe he is related to putin

Edgy contrarian jew, he has slick tongue but terrible takes.

He has some good takes when it comes to geopolitics and economics. Otherwise, something screems untrustworthy about him.

imho he's more or less correct in his assessments on the situation thus far. not sure how much i trust him though.

Not very. Faggot was claiming Ukrainian mercs came to kill him the other day, but he eluded them with his ninja skills.

If you're living in foreign country you're very noticeable to the locals. You can't blend in the way you do in your own country.

>How credible is this guy regarding the situation in Ukraine?
More credible than MSM
thanks, and funny how he has to semi excuse surfing Any Forums.

>le bombastic triggered radio idiot

Gonzo a notorious scam artist but he's still far more credible than the globohomo media

hes a known english speaking grifter type, he grew out of the gamergate mgtow redpill movement apparantly he has a patreon, i have never met one of his patreons though, fed? maybe.

zero, because he is a kike, Jesus, nu/pol/ is blind, jewdar goes haywire when i look at this "face"

Americans think because we have brains. Try it. Start with dentistry.