Frens... I'm home alone and depressed. I'm demoralised and suicidal. I don't know what to do...

Frens... I'm home alone and depressed. I'm demoralised and suicidal. I don't know what to do, I don't even feel like shitposting anymore.
What do?

Attached: PepeSad.gif (500x281, 1.23M)

You can stop being a faggot for one.

Jerk off

This is that goddamned (You)-Farmer again isn't it.

Stop it you daft cunt. Haven't been here for months and I return to see you shitposting again?

If you have money get drunk and fuck a call giri
If you do not have any money rather than just killing yourself try living other lives before killing yourself: do a bank robbery, rob a millionaire, I don't know but do not go out without doing random shit

Friendly word of advice: don't hate the playa, hate the game.
I would fren but I'm not horny.
No, fren. That would be Ian. I am Craig, another aus/pol/ regular.

Take the plunge

>Get off Any Forums
>Take a shower
>Put on a clean pair of underwear
>Go outside in nature

Repeat every day

I'd be depressed too if I lived in that authoritarian shithole.

Though I still think you're the same fucking farmboy, I'll respond to your OP as such:
Do what works for you. Set some plans for the future, and have some dreams. Work on yourself and your goals every day that you can and feel like it. Reject all fear and embrace will. If you find yourself being afraid of the future, envision a successful one, preferably a future without jews, and allow your desire to fill you with glee.
Also stop going to bed at 3am and eating junkfood. Simple trivium, my friend, all actions have consequences. Shit goes in, shit comes out.
But I promise you that if you get some hobbies and dreams, they'll help you immensely.

Ps: Don't allow those dreams and goals to be one of "I want a girlfriiiiend, sadpepe.jpg". Because if you allow your goals and dreams to be those that depend on other people, you'll forever fail and be disappointed. Find happiness within growing yourself. Good luck user. Make the world a better place, but start with making yourself a better you.

You want to die because you're sad?
You think nothing matters?
Good, then go live your life for once, there's no reason to be afraid of anything. Go do whatever you feel like.
You're dead already.

>Though I still think you're the same fucking farmboy
I am not him, believe me, fren. I am a good friend of his, but he is not me.
Thank you for the advice, Belgiumbro. It means more than you could know.

This user is also correct in saying that your environment influences you. Don't be on Any Forums too often if it is harming you. The truths you learn on Any Forums can be useful, some anons here even know the truths of the universe, but you must understand that simply surrounding yourself by redpills without accepting them as helpful tips to lead a better life, can turn itself into a blackpill.

>Porn is bad
>Women are women
>Jews are corrupt and evil fucks
>Monetary system is flawed
>Racemixing propaganda is being pushed

Just a handful of truths that you learn here, but the question is: what do you DO with them? Are you using them to improve your situation, or are you allowing yourself to dwell upon them in hopelessness? Knowing the truth sets you free, user. All anons on this board will make it if they just accept their imperfections and work on them, improving themselves.

Still think you're that farmer, but I don't mind responding to these threads, there are many depressed anons out there who have yet to realize that they have control over their own life and can change their mind.

I agree with this sentiment, if only because if every poor, depressed fuck went out big, society might start to consider doing more than throwing drugs at the problem.

Unfortunately, depression itself robs a person of energy and motivation. Anger might be enough to spur something, if you can even muster that...

Hotline NOW

depression is cured in 50 pushups
Replace your mental pain with physical pain

To be or not to be... well dude!

The world of maddness is uppon us, perhaps you like me just want to stay tooned see how this goes?

You're acting like you won't also be under the thumb in the near future. You actually think the Dems are going to let anyone outside of their sphere win again? BWA-HAHAHAHAAA!

It's currently night time over here.

Stop drinking and go get some exercise.

Do what makes you happy even if it’s morally wrong and continue to do it.

g'day m8 have you considered kys?

What's happening, fren? Tell us about it.

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look into flat earth