This nigger is 70 years old...

This nigger is 70 years old, so he decides to shit up Russia at the end of his life and will not live trough the hard times that are coming. Russian zoomers will live their whole life covered in the shit that Putin made today.

Attached: nigger.jpg (373x386, 29.8K)

I love BBC anal porn.

What kind of shit ? Being bad seen by Western faggots ? Woaw what a punishment

Maybe go post on another board? This is Any Forums not /gif/.

yeah, sound like a classic boomer politician

In america, bulgarian is slang for bbc anal porn.
Like, "delray gave fat tisha the 'ol bulgarian."

Just Russians? We're all in deep shit because of this old fart

This is why potentially great countries fall.
If germans had believed hitler just a little more they would have been living in lebensborn. If Soviets had just a little more confidence they would have been a beacon of socialism.But both fell to the west's shilling and shekels. Don't repeat the mistake. West is in their endgame with falling birthrate, immigration, faggotry etc. They know it's their last stand. The need of the hour is to be resilient.DONT GIVE IN. West will die soon. And morality will win. Again

Sounds like #YouToo

We'll be fine. Russia is becoming North Korea 2.0.

Now we have a reason to kill off all those liberal arts majors.

Good morning, sir

Reddit tier post, bratko.

>In america, bulgarian is slang for bbc anal porn.
>Like, "delray gave fat tisha the 'ol bulgarian."

Great peace of trivia user.
Happy to learn something new.

Btw op is to no one's surprise a fag.

He cмe бpaтя и aз нe пocтвaм нa reddit. Пyтин ocpa Pycия, тoвa e иcтинaтa.

are russian anons still posting sometimes

He decided to do whats best for Russia while he still has time.


t.pycкa пoдлoгa

He destroyed Russia, once he is dead Russia will be gone.

What a collection of faggot flags all in one single thread.

Pretty much

Attached: communism effects.png (911x175, 24.53K)

Boomers want to leave us with nothing and that has been true across all cultures and countries

>t.pycкa пoдлoгa

Aз cъм бългapин.
Tи cи пeдepac.

a big fuck you to Russian people in the tradition of Russian leaders

Tи cи пpeдaтeл и ypoд. Бягaй oбpaтнo в Pycия пpи извepгитe.

Your own mother knows this, and it causes her to weep gently in the night. Faggot.

We need a reason?

Ja sam hrvat, ne znam cirilicu.