Let's talk about

Let's talk about ...


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Its for fags

Anime is lowest common denominator garbage.

kys srsly

Why you so aggressive?
Because u don't look anime.

anime is the best solution for world peace.

It's good, I like it. I don't trust anyone who makes too big a show about not liking it.

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You would make a thread such as this, wouldn't you, Japan?

This world need war, not a proxy war a war of meaning. Peace pussified Japan and the West.

In the latest episode of "How a realist hero rebuilt a nation" the main character Kazuya Souma tells the leader of the Empire which is the largest nation in their world that multi-ethnic societies cannot exist without turmoil. That the only possible way to build a nation that lasts the test of time is to be as homogenous as possible and he openly endorses the eradication, or at the very least, the expulsion of all foreign ethnic groups from his borders.

It's a very long exchange of about 8 minutes between him and the queen, he describes the communism and capitalism, high-trust societies, etc.

Anime is based.

>turn on tubi
>browse for something to watch with my dad
>pick some random anime I've never heard of
>immediate schoolgirl panty shots and bath scenes

Spotted the faggot

He literally implied that the USA began to decline due to its multiethnic character lol. I was amazed.

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hai sensei!

world don't need war.
peace and love is all we need.

Why Russia is so hard mode?
Because no anime!
if there is anime in russia, putin didn't exists.

Yes, his dialogue was essentially him talking directly to the US and describing how it is failing and why it won't exist after the war with the Demon Lord is over.

Grow up. You arent supposed to watxh animation when you are adult. Look what became Japan, onxe a great empire now a country of low test faggots and they export their shit so our people become degenerates weak faggots too.

ruskies watch anime

don't they make hentai?

Mother material.

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Alright nip why are your MCs like this now?

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The ducks eat the fish, the fish eat the ducklings.
The frog eats the spider, the spider eats the frog.
Struggle is the way of nature.
Those who are unwilling to fight others to win their right to live another day are parasites and liars and not to be trusted. Nothing is more suspicious than a well fed pacifist.

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anime board. if you dont like anime you dont belong here.

>heckin quirky gyaru show
When will this trend end?

>anime is the best solution for world peace.
based samurai

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We need more /ss/ in anime. Change my mind.

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Psyop to destroy young men

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>anime board. if you dont like anime you dont belong here.

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>so our people become degenerates weak faggots too

You're falling right into our trap.

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but i do like anime desu

One of those is a 10yo girl who realized she's meat on a farm and had to fight for survival every day after escaping. She's allowed to cry as much as she wants


all our manga is beautiful and wonderful.
don't u think so?

luv me anime
luv me cute girls
simple as

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I think the /ss/ meme has gone on long enough as it is. I want to see sexy onee sans without it being /ss/ once in a while.

21 centuries are gyaru era.

Way to defeat the purpose of Onee-sans

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thank you japan, my greatest ally

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wait .....

let's talk about why gay loser english teachers and immigrants keep pretending to be Japs on the internet

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>wait .....
beats me. some random sad panda. I don't remember any. but you can find it if you really want to. you can do it.

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This one?

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Why can't it just be a VPN?

sauce? couldnt find on yandex

shhhhhh. quiet!

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Enjoy your trannymation faggot. Germans became pathetics

Look he forgot to use the VPN this time.