Unironically where does he go from here

Unironically where does he go from here

Attached: zelenskysad.png (2136x2000, 1.78M)


He will go to camp to pray the gay away. For entertainment he is only allowed to play hoi4 as Ethiopia

Definitely not Israel since he supports the Palestinians.


Werent polcels shilling this guy non stop and saying he was going to win?

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This. Bear and eagle cage.

end of a rope

That was unironically you, projection fag.

He should keep hiding until russia falls apart or putin gets shot

They will try to capture him alive. They already have a plan for him, but I don't know it.

Russians can probably see where posts are made from on Any Forums and they are probably going to invade you soon.

is this guy that archer from the avengers?

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guarantee you he ends up in israel under mossad protection

Become the anti christ.

Oh i fucking wish.

He's a Jew and he's been lionized in the media. He was never in any danger of harm or consequences. He can run away and let his country that he demanded and ordered to fight like the good little goy soldiers they are. No matter how it turns out, he will be remembered as a brave and heroic warrior-leader for "democracy."
Being Jewish means you never have to apologize or atone for your crimes.

What about his wife and kids?

they can hang too

Hell after he puts a bullet in his brain to avoid defeat.

We should liberate canada from globohomo

Attached: linus tech tips.webm (1280x720, 1.36M)

Into the Holocoaster he goes




How are you holding up Russbro? The news here is that your country is complete fucked economically.

>man is bad because le smol benis
this stupid shit pisses me off
t. 8 inch cock

He'll be back to giving blowjobs on the corner before too long.

just like Symon Petliura before him? what's next Russia's defeat in another battle of Warsaw? I thought we've been there exactly 100 years ago

board raids and glowies pvjnk

Something finally broke the Linus S'oy Tips boys. They've been able to keep their latent s'oy sperges mostly contained until the last couple months.

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he will be Father of Ukraine

Getting so much pussy I can't even

Don't worry. Steiner counter attack will push the convoy back to the borders.

Putin takes donetsk and luhansk and probably a few other cities now due to the resistance. any other ones that were like donetsk and luhansk and crimea (majority russians living in ukraine not liking the anti-russian government installed by the west in 2014)
ukraine becomes very tiny
things calm down
china wins no matter what.