FBS Stopped Putin's Assassinations Attempts

Putin's own FSB is stopping his attempts to have Zelenskyy killed. How long until the manlet Russian president gets whacked?

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>it was real in our mind


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It’s just like in my tom clancy novels

This is somehow faker and gay than le ghost of (the)keev

Times is Murdoch media.

source : The Ukranians

first vdv turned out to be kind of shit, now by implication does this mean spetsnaz suck too? no reason to use these forces otherwise

Holy fuck those suck to read. 20 pages out of 600 being suspenseful ain't enough

never heard of "the time" before now, but giving it a quick once over it appears to be pretty obvious judeo-globalist propaganda.

Haven't you ruskies ever thought about how they're paying you to post here with a collapsed currency? I know you haven't been outside in the past week, but there are runs on your country's banks. Your families are all probably dying of starvation right now. It's probably best to step back from the monitor for a bit and say goodbye to your loved ones.

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I can believe it. Our intelligence agencies are filled with lefty glowniggers that shut down the right and run interference for the left. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were parts of the government that wanted to sabotage Putin. Of course Putin is more competent than someone like Trump and has more power but there are still probably factions not entirely under his control.

>literally back to everyone o don't like is a Russian bot

Jesus christ. I guess this is why no one is listening to you tards about this, so gg I guess

>government is not unified and can't get anything done thanks to it.
Why is democracy good again?

Why would he kill the guy who he needs to sign the surrender? Y'all niggers are dumb as fuck.

JFC imagine believing this.
Even if you do, imagine believe the incompetent moderm MSM would know anything about it.

>anti-war elements in the fsb
>thwarting plots that would end the war

>still believing NATO propaganda


You will never be white, brazilbro.

I shill for free
it's a morale calling

How dumb do you have to be to believe this crap?

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Holy shit you are so dumb

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