Starting to develop doubts about Nationalism

Seeing and learning about the Ukrainian Nationalist cause has shown me that Nationalism blinds people to escalating harmful actions against the outgroup and idealizes a reality that either doesn't exist or can't exist with great suffering to both sides, and in the end against the interests of both sides who can never go back and "choose peace."

I support people uniting around their tradition and culture and even race but when they unite together to then go against "the other" that plants the seeds of ethnic conflict and takes on a nature of its own that is difficult to keep peaceful, if not impossible.

We see this now in Ukraine between partisan Ukrainians, ethnic Russians and pro-Russian Ukrainians. It seems that it is easy to start with a noble and innocent movement and then find yourself hating the other and willing to even kill for your collective and greater "cause." Thus ethnical decisions are increasingly "for the cause" and not judged on the basis of their own merit (re: the ethics of corpse posting). It seems that collectivist thinking is extremely dangerous and ethnic nationalism is just another form of it and is a danger where regional diversity already exists.

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Naitonalism is for fools, all that matters is dollars, usd, euros, whatever.

>I have just realized that nationalism leads to violent conflict
Are you 12 years old?

Read theory. Marx was right all along. It took years but we finally are getting through to this board. Thank you Putin.

Said the retarded leaf lmao


You should only care about yor family, clan, not the entirety of your ethnicity.
They are as much of a competition for you as nigs.


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Nationalism is and has always been a forced meme created by the rich and powerful to get the lower class to protect their wealth and power.

This is a shill thread

Everyone that hates globohomo, rotchilds and a like is my fren

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>Nationalism is and has always been a forced meme created by the rich and powerful to get the lower class to protect their wealth and power.

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Its almost like Capitalism's fake paradigm of 'infinite growth, infinite wealth for all' was a lie.

The West could use nationalism because they are suffering from a racial shame system but in many regions it is explosive to fund violent nationalist groups. In Ukraine you are witnessing the first incident of nationalism gone bad in your life time; Ukrainians provoked a war by massacring an ethnic group that is only separated from them culturally by a different dialect

>Its almost like Capitalism's fake paradigm of 'infinite growth, infinite wealth for all' was a lie.

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All you need to do is believe in Christ and that he died for you. And you need to be ready to kill niggers and faggots when they inevitably try to destroy your family.

Return to Monarchy and Tradition, good man

What’s the ideology, where you want to just fuck away from it all and live peacefully in the wilderness, hunting and killing bears? I want to become some feral neolithic man.

those ukranian dumbasses were manipulated by the cia and other western intelligence agencies

Did you really expect me to read all that?

Now begone Moshe

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>support people uniting around their tradition and culture and even race but when they unite together to then go against "the other" that
What you call nationalism is acctually supremacism
Nationalism has nothing to do with any "other" exept maybe if your culture has no country of its own and is fighting an independance war

I gess it dont matter tho, since the meaning of words is changing every month to accomodate our overlords goals

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>1 post by this ID

it's a leftypol thread

The best idea is that everyone is incharge of their own body. And, has their opinion heard about their community, and nation. The japanese were bastards, but they may have gotten it right.

>You should only care about yor family, clan, not the entirety of your ethnicity.
>They are as much of a competition for you as nigs.

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Go fug a tranny and get AIDs meme flaggot

A society like this will function but it will not thrive

It's not. I'm thinking how to respond because I just had this epiphany though I am sure people much smarter than myself have already come to this same conclusion and written much about it. I have heard of nationalist criticism before, but I assumed we were in a new paradigm and that Ukrainian Nationalism was supposed to be some kind of exception within the liberal world order. It looks like I was wrong, and that liberals are wrong to support it.

tldr faggot

For the ruling class,

Nationalists = cannon fodder & useful idiots

>Nationalism blinds people to escalating harmful actions against the outgroup
>idealizes a reality that either doesn't exist or can't exist
You fucking faggot. Don't you try to weasel in your scheme of racial destruction under the guise of friendship. We will have our races and peace too. Your masters will pay the price and after they are gone we will see how impossible it is.

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I don't want the future in your picture either. I don't know what the right answer is if ethnic nationalism holds these risks. I want a cohesive society with the benefits of nationalism without the violence and the hate. Is such a thing even possible? I have been to Ukraine. I have spent time in Kiev in 2018. I really loved it but I guess I didn't have the whole picture either.

>For the ruling class,
>Nationalists = cannon fodder & useful idiots

You're a kike

Anyone can be a useful idiot and you have been retarded for the last decade sucking tranny cock and eating nigger ass.

Fences make good neighbors. The US backed overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine in 2014 and an anti-Russian admin was installed. Then they end up with a literal Jew front man actor as their executive.

Ukraine can't be anti-Russian and neither should the US. It works against their interests as you can now all see It was an idiotic move and the glowies pushed it.

This war has nothing to do with Nationalism you fucking brainlet.

You can have nationalism without destroying other nations

No, you have to choose. Any middle ground is just transitory

>gets replaced by Somalians to protect the wealth and power of the rich

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Why didn't it work in Ukraine? It seems like a common pattern. What makes you confident it can work outside of the girded lanes of theory? Genuinely asking btw.