Azov Chads

Why does Any Forums suddenly hate Nazis? Is this is a leftypol raid?

Attached: 1646322974110.jpg (800x600, 79.7K)

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why the fuck do white people look like this?

Pol are faggots, these men actually do shit

Hitler would be disappointed

Hitler liked these types of working class white men

In you for being a do nothing faggot crying about men who actually do things, right?

They fight and die for israel

Attached: 1646420065711.webm (480x852, 2.95M)

And just like that another thread is closed

honestly last men id want to encounter on battlefield
god bless russia

Those are the people killing whites in Europe right now

Hitler hated slavs and called them subhuman slaves of the Aryans

No they don't lol. They are trying to take over the govt eventually

Why the hell the fatso at front does that Muslim gesture with his finger?

Who's got the blinged-out version of him dancing with the blazer on

Then why were there ukrainian volunteers
alt-right adopted it from ISIS fags

They spent 8 years killing civilians in Donbas for globohomo

Maybe because they are trying to steal their land

mutants are cool as fuck, I would totally be friends with them, we should make more

hohols are asians, only whites can be nazis
a non-white pretending to be a nazi is worthless

Azov are funded by Israeli Jews and serve a Jewish President and Prime Minister who themselves serve the American empire of global buttsex. These doods flew to Hong Kong to fight for democracy alongside Chinese antifa. The only thing national socialist about them is the aesthetic; their clothing and symbols. Sort of like a man wearing a dress and calling himself a woman. They’re transnazis.

Azov fled to Poland when the fighting started, last I heard.

Attached: meanwhile in Ukraine.webm (680x960, 1.84M)

slavs aren’t white.

haha slavs are white as fuck man.

No thanks rabbi, not fighting for your vassal country

How do I steal their look?