Save the niggers from this dreadful war! All five of them!

Save the niggers from this dreadful war! All five of them!
Fuck the millions of slavs etc, as long as the niggers are okay.

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Hope they die lol


Goddammit, I hate globo-Jew.

Why didn’t Azov kill them? Every time I see niggers in Slav countries I wonder why they do not kill these apes. They used to do that in Russia but then Putin started throwing format18 in prison.

Checked, "asians" are just streetshitters

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>Millions of Slavs die. Women and Blacks most affected
Niggers really love to make themselves the center of attention.

Based AF, fuck niggers.

Yup. Pajeets and Pakis.

Azov are the definition of shabbos goy

Tell them to show their passports and that they have no other affiliation with other nations. A lot of these "refugees" aren't refugees so much that they're economic opportunists. If that man in the picture was a real Ukrainian, the Ukrainian military would have told him to go back to help fight against the invaders. The fact that he's even given the opportunity for the border guard to stop him from entering at all, way past the checkpoint, tells me he's not a Ukrainian national. Just someone who's trying to take advantage of the chaos.

It's basically Kosher Nazism. We must return to Monarchy

Explain how they are, please.

It's just men between 18-60. woman can leave

why are they fleeing they wanted to be europeans

Checked and based

FPBP and checked

Why do niggers always run away? Why are niggers worthless?

Hey homie it takes 5 russian scalps to get across the Polish boarder

Imagine how pissed off you'd be if you agreed to house some refugee, you turn up expecting a mother and her children and instead you get 3 black gentlemen from the Congo, Chad and Somalia.

Shoulda formed a similar volunteer army like Reddit but fly over there to shoot Niggers and Pajeets in the chaos

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It fills my heart with joy that people won't abandon their values in times of great crisis.

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They're greedy and selfish. They saw hundreds of thousands of little children fleeing war and used it as cover to migrate westward to richer countries.

Honestly they should be shoot on sight. Fuck em.

it's a nationality issue not a race issue, they're right to stop fake refugees taking advantage of the situation

Why the fuck are there so mant filthy fucking shitskins in Ukraine ???

I also saw tons of mudsharks holding their ugly fucking mutt goblin abominations trying to board a train and escape ukraine

Jesus christ these motherfucking kikes just wont stop will they? They will flood niggers in all white countries and push race-mixing propaganda on stupid fucking white women
It's fucking unfuriating, i was in another thread where anons kept posting pics of ukranian mudsharks with niggers, it's demoralizing AF that race-mixing is now getting prominent in eastern europe.


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well yeah the war is staged

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Why are there niggers in the Ukraine?


The same reason they're everywhere else

It is staged you bong nigger, (((they))) try to globohomo russia after putin is gone and alteady do their WEF cyberattacks


Universities. They are cheap and good. The biggest problem is border guards dont have time to verify that they are not refugees that got transported there.


Shouldn't you be obsessively searching for radio microphones in your taps?

>Save the niggers from this dreadful war! All five of them!
Didn't fight for their home, didn't fight for their foster country, on the run for gibs.

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Recent report shows that the majority of "Ukrainian" refugees pouring into Poland are actually a mix of black Africans, Arabs, Turks and Afghans.

Makes me sick. They should put them all on flights back to where they came from originally.

Why not go to university in India? I'm sure it's even cheaper? Why is it in Ukraines interest to give up spots on university to niggers instead of keeping them for their own citizens?

It's just so fucking ridiculous, there's no reason for any of this other than forcing blacks into white countries.

I hate this planet.

I will kill the antichtist and shit in his mouth! Glowniggers are too lazy and fat to waddle up the mountain to wire my house

fpbp checked

why suddenly so many? has something to do with chernobyl?

you a straight bitch
you'll get yours one day pussy


Bix nood

jesus christ is not that fucking hard

what do you think will happen if you introduce military-aged niggers in a university full of dumb and brainwashed white girls ???

these fucking niggers groom them and end up mixing with them and producing filthy fucking abominations

christ i hate niggers so very fucking much, i wish i was the tsar so i can publicly broadcast all niggers getting shot at one by one until there are none left

when justin tredeau fucks you in the ass

I hope nobody saves your motherfucking ass

and the kikes over at CNN are KVETCHING over "racist" polish border guards that are not letting these subhumans flood their nation

i would shot them on the fucking spot