One Big Club /obc/

It's ALL just one big club, and all the world is a stage.
They create ALL the wars, so you can go fight and die in the wars, that they then profit from.
They create the boogeyman "terrorists" and "pandemics" so you remain in a fear-based mind state.
They create the societal divisions, so you hate your fellow man and remain in a low vibrational energy state.
They keep you in indentured sevitude and economic slavery through their banking systems.
They keep you sick through the water, the food and the pharmaceuticals.
They're playing you like a cheap fiddle, they hate you, and want you dead.

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Looks like a fox has entered the hen club house! lol

i was in this thread yesterday lol

>Looks like a fox has entered the hen club house! lol
>and literally replaced every hen with a fox

As long as you haven't been redpilled on the globohomo agenda, you're simply not ready to post here. You can be redpilled on jews, on banks, on the military industrial complex, on social media, on globalists, on the Davos Forum, on the Rothschilds, big pharma, on the illuminati, even on reptilians but as long as you haven't taken that one final step to understand globohomo, your mind simply isn't ready.

>fool me 110 times shame on me

Read a a Russian Jew is funding Russian Nazis paramilitary to fight an Ukranian Nazi paramilitary funded by another Jew.

>that one final step to understand globohomo
and what would that be?

What to do?

>fool me 110 times shame on me
>fool me 111 times shame on me
>fool me 112 times shame on me
>fool me 113 times shame on me
>fool me 114 times shame on me
>fool me 115 times shame on me
>fool me 116 times shame on me
>fool me 117 times shame on me

Attached: download (3).png (851x714, 178.4K)

They're not Foxes, they're snakes and cuckoo birds

A movement completely free of jewish influence would be nice for starters. Hasn't happened in the West in a millennium or more

What I cant understand is why Russia waited 4 years to bomb the biological weapons manufacturing labs?

And furthermore, how did they manage to keep their Tie Fighterâ„¢ technology a secret all this time?

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What should the aim of the movement even be and what would be the members?
Genuine question, cause seeing so many NPCs everywhere is making me question why I should even feel kinship with them.

I blame the latest movies not doing great numbers. Nobody knew because nobody watches the Rey movies.

>A movement completely free of jewish influence would be nice for starters.

To what end / objective ? Gain political power? Accelerationism? Revolution? Removal of all Jewish financial oligarchs globally? White Christian traditional family values can only exist in a new State, which applies the triparte 'Byzantine laws', otherwise they will destroy it as they've done everywhere

>No jews in banking
>No jews in education
>No jews in public office

We need a neo-Cathagian State, not many places left on earth for that, Greenland? Or take over some pisspot 3rd world African shithole?

I'm thinking African shithole.


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The two most important ones in Kiev and Odessa were built in the past two years
The aim should be a global movement of European peoples based on their national characteristics and shared ethnic, cultural and historic ties. When we inevitably become minorities in our former countries we will need a supranational platform to represent our interests

There is a reason why civilization had trouble growing there. Parasites are rampant.
Doesn't sound pleasant to have kids play outside and suddenly they get malaria. Or you walk with your dog and it suddenly has mangoworms.

>To what end / objective?
If I had to choose, I'd say civilization as we know it is destabilized and will change in a drastic manner.
It's important to prepare to weather the storm.
It would be stupid af to feel loyalty based on race lines given the levels of brainwashing and self-destructing ideology.
I'd rather prefer the propaganda-resistant, rational "autists".

I strongly believe there isn't enough time to change the zeitgeist in the West.
I wouldn't even want to be "side by side" with e.g. white-hating "liberals" or with fundamentalist Christians, who think we are in end-times and the solution is to always forgive and spread the other cheek.

>The two most important ones in Kiev and Odessa were built in the past two years
8 was it? that are public knowledge so far

>There is a reason why civilization had trouble growing there

Because they were homo-erectus niggers.

There's ~427 types of mozzies, only ~12 spread Malaria, we could wipe them out and use prophylatic prevention in the mean time. I think a new African, neo-Carthagian technical State for Anglo-Germanic-Nords, would work. It would be hard and take years to knock the edges off it, but be worth it. There's no future in Western Europe with the Judeo-Marxist control of governments, institutions and relentless non-white immigration.

Whatever happens we will be left with a much smaller but more racially aware core rooted in the countries where they are now just another minority
The two most advanced (BSL-3) labs would be in Kiev and Odessa