Honest thoughts on political YouTuber TJ Kirk/The Amazing Atheist?

Honest thoughts on political YouTuber TJ Kirk/The Amazing Atheist?

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Not an NPC, but a complete faggot. In every sense of the word.

he shoved a banana up his ass. literally return to monkey but fag on top

Banana in butthole.

Banana boy

An actual banana

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Been irrelevant for a decade, he at least knows the world and media is completely controlled by billionaires though which is an upgrade to a normie.

Narcissist jealous of Jesus being king

I don't think he has ever said anything even mildly interesting.

I remember watching his not-so-slow decline from an annoying faggot to full-blown homosex annoying faggot 10 years ago.

The resemblance is uncanny.

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He was good in Gladiator but I heard he was a bad drunk and did get pretty fat lately.

Complete godless western faggot degenerate.
Repent TJ. Its not to late.

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He started the men's rights and conservative movement on the internet without even trying or probably knowing he did. He then turned into a perfect case study of what happens when a conformist cuck realizes his politics are awry with the status quo. It was hilarious seeing him beat down by feminists. The "fuck everyone elses opinion" edgelord changed every single one of his opinions as feminists attacked them. I still remember his "i love guns and support gun rights because it isn't about beating the government, it's about teaching people to not fuck with you" video that he has since completely disavowed. I basically agree with all of the opinions he espoused back in 2008~.

*disclaimer, he is a far leftist cuckbag so no I do not respect him. I did grow up with him though and will forever be a great lolcow to me.

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a man who has become INCREASINGLY unhinged as time goes by, a legit crazy person who has become a radical communist.

and like most people who are as wildly, loudly insane as he is, its because no one gets their ass beat for saying stupid shit anymore, I'm sure he's decently intelligent and clever, nothing crazy, but still, its ruined by never getting an ass beating for being retarded.

bullying/physical punishment for retarded acts going away was the secret key failpoint of our entire society.

the amazing loser

Why did these counter culture atheist become establishment shills?

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you forgot the chocolate

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money, Leftisms rise made it easy for them to latch on. and conform to the new woke shit.

they believe in nothing so anything goes.

Stockholm syndrome.

He's in complete control of your life and destiny. He made your life miserable, lonely and unfulfilled to inflict to you a certain trauma he decided is "right" according to his plans. He never will show his face yo you out of shame for it. There is no evil so great that he won't do it or allow it (usually he's behind the very idea).

Still, you kiss his boot.

he's legitimately 6'7 and like 300 and good genes. people have tried attacking him, it doesn't work out well. I agree with your sentiment but you're missing the mark here.