Any /Russki-bros/ here? Give me your best cope

Any /Russki-bros/ here? Give me your best cope.

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Oбpaтнo нa хapкaч, быcтpo, peшитeльнo

You might become China's Belarus

Are you from Astrakhan

kys, i've never even lurked there or on the original 2ch. I started off on kc's Any Forums and that was 12 years ago

kys normalfag

I can impersonate one:

this is all part of Putin plan:
with the oligarchs in shambles, with capitalism defeated, we can finally resurrect state directed economics like china
we have monopoly money now?
when you are playing monopoly alone you can play with whatever rules you want

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Going to go collect a Russian wife after everything is over.
Also everyone else is going to suffer too so that's a thing.
t. Russian and Canadian citizen.

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But Russia's incapable of reincarnating the soviet union not after the brain drain of the 90-s and the 2010-s and most positions of high power being held by incompetent morons that give a pass even to the morons in the us/kikEU

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do you know if there is a chinese Any Forums?

you should start to go there, I legit fear that russia will be cut out of our side internet

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DNR = "Do Not Resuscitate"

I think there are similar websites by no imageboards per se. And even if they exist, doubt they have an Any Forums board. After all, who'd want to lurk on a censored website

This invasion is not to be a stram roll.
Its meant to dibert attention. Its meant to engage as many western forces in the area as possible.
In April, possibly late march, China goes for Taiwan.

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What do you mean. Everything is going as planned. Lay back and watch how this unfolds. Everything was calculated to go like this.

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GB = "Gay Bongs"

>Free Russian wives for the sovietwave doomerjack reddit virgins

It's over

Vitalik, after that post on twitter where you bought into ukie propaganda you're no Russian, faggot. Go kys

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Id have bought into the "trust the plan" narrative if the campaign itself wasn't a fuckign disaster

what the fuck is up with that convoy anyway ?

I generally don't get it.
I go to some russian forums or talk to russians and they are all basically brainwashed.
Some of them don't know there is a war(or call it operation) and they can't see Putin isn't some great leader and is fucking russia from inside.
As long as russia has retarded leaders it will be retarded but somehow russians are fine with it because they are also retarded, never ending cycle.

Europeans would get rid of of retard steering the country into a blackhole.

Is Putin some inhuman mastermind?
So far it all looks like a frantic retard moves going this downward spiral
Will it really unfold some hidden masterplan?

Depends on the forums, /pole/bro. I don't go to russian internet, haven't been there in over a decade, but despite living in a remote shithole my parents and the communication circle of mine are the typical soviet-era intelligentsia and everyone here knew from day 1-day 2 it was a fucking disaster (i personally knew from the minute I watched the Putin's address at 5 am mscow time)

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Russians are more use to austerity than they even know. Being poor in Russia isn’t that far of a step down. What’s more, because there’s a baseline of normalcy and decency, being poor doesn’t amount to much.

Meanwhile every Americano es the most decadent life you could possibly imagine. At peak hours, lines for fast foot spill into the street. Enormous, modified trucks getting 12mpg roam the streets on after market wheels (every vehicle already has rims; why replace them?). Families of three live in 5,000sqft McMansions. This is a normal, everyday lifestyle. It’s common. If any type of austerity hits the US, it’s going to be really tough for a lot of people.

What’s more, being driven into poverty in the US means a loss of literally everything. There are no tight family bonds. Most social contracts fell apart decades ago. There’s no religious outside of megapozzed super churches that preach a bland, nonspecific message of “love.” And the poverty class is filled with the worst people in the planet: American blacks.

Putin knew sanctions would be in store for his country. Anyone who thinks this is all coming as a shock to him is too stupid to join in the conversation. “He’s just evil” is retarded.

The US economy is going to suffer right along side the Russian economy. Who’s resolve so you think is stronger?

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