It's over.

Attached: maP.jpg (1350x943, 395.65K)

That blue blob has between 50k and 100k men. When they tried to withdraw a couple days ago 4 of their armoured columns got BTFO.

>Ruble hitting it's "lowest ever value" every single day
>Still doesn't have Kiev

Also, that city inside the blob is literally called Crematorium.

Why take it and risk casualties when you can siege and let them surrender kek.

Did anyone actually think Ukraine would win?

most people cant find it on a map, all they know is ghost of keeev and the avengers.

Normies drunk on MSM propaganda, r3dditor NPCs, shills.

I can find anything on a map. That's what maps are for.

Well you are on Any Forums that puts in the 10% that know what's up

Why did I not hear about this anywhere in the news?

Same reason you are not seeing any maps on the news. Massive, relentless propaganda. They can lie that Ukraine is winning and the Kiev avengers are kicking ass lol.

2/3 of the Ukranian army has been surrounding the Donbas since 2014. We don't know how many are left currently, some might have deserted, others moved to different fronts, etc., but it's the largest and best trained part of their military.

Attached: photo_2022-02-25_18-02-29.jpg (900x1200, 149.07K)


Attached: 1645810610763.jpg (400x582, 74.7K)


Where is he bros? Why hasn't he saved them?

Attached: 1645811245605.jpg (1242x1100, 468.04K)

actually this is the newest map

Attached: 2022-03-05ww3.jpg (998x998, 228.05K)


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how will CNN and normies cope?

Has he returned to his homeland to fight?

Attached: 1646281885173.png (406x456, 249.72K)

As much as I would wish that things in the OP pic really are as they are portrayed, I am somewhat doubtful.

Main reason being:

In every single map this source has released, the region East of Transnistria (southwestern Ukraine) has been labelled as "Zone with Fighting".

However, not a SINGLE source, even the most pro-Russian ones has EVER mentioned combat events on this geographic location.


Welp. There goes my new year streak.

The map maker shouldn't have included. There was a report about two firefights and that's it.

He is hohol? That explains so much.

Of course

Attached: Capture3.jpg (1564x757, 95.19K)

Would support.

Attached: ami-go-home.jpg (480x360, 13.68K)

The news is run by the CIA. You think the CIA wants people to know that Russia is winning?

He returned to eat all of Russia's food supply

Because their asses being stuck there proves Putin was right about them planning to fuck up east Ukraine.
That map is the proverbial hand in the cookie jar.

yep, adopted from ukraine

You’d be surprised how many people can’t even wrap their heads around Western Europe

This is the same map from yesterday you fag.