This place is a disaster

You all used to be able to bring up legitimate, non-surface level shit that made all politicians worldwide upset with you. Now you're just "alternative" Twitter and Discord talking about the same shit everyone else is. What happened?

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everyone left for better chans, starting in 2016
where the fuck have you been

Polcel anarchy happened. When you have destination you tend to get lost.

Thank you for contributing another high quality thread and discussion user. You've really proved your point by shitting up the board.

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Shells everywhere.

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faggot tranny shills and shareblue glownasty niggers is what happened are you a retard?

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Bro this board was only good when Christopher Poole was around to actually moderate this cesspit, so like two years

It’s been shit from its inception. Your just noticing how bad it is now

That was only the case like 7 years ago. Ever since the events which shall not be named and the 2016 election happened the entire board turned from slightly crazy libertarians with moral backbones to spineless contrarians who only know how to strawman when backed into a corner.

/mlpol/ was better than this.

>What happened?
> bring up legitimate, non-surface level shit that made all politicians worldwide upset with you

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Moot and Trump fucked this place.

Moot tried to destroy here and because this the fundamental userbase goes to another chans

Trump broght many neocons retards and many other retarded shills combating him.

So no userbaser and too many retards dropping QI like40 points after this. Some alone anons like me are carryng on the shoulder this place.

Because pol is so influential across the web it is being raided by all the shill propaganda armies based out of Israel, UK, Ukraine etc. They DESPERATELY NEED to control this narrative because they are propping up a neonazi army while saying Putin wants to start the soviet union (communism) so they are fucking terrified the normies will put 2 and 2 together and globalhomie will be fucked.

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More like regular Twitter. Every second thread is a Twitter cap.

As much as I enjoyed the 2016 it should have been the end of this board. That was mission accomplished. Been downhill ever since

>what happened?
an influx of retards like you.

Where? I'm asking honestly.
>Because pol is so influential across the web
I think this summed it up right here. The second people realized nobody was going to "backtrace" anyone and that your computer wouldn't get hacked with the SWAT team coming to your house, it was over.


this board has always been unusable to the average normie, and even the average internet user

if you are complaining about the state of the board (which has always been bad) you either aren't from here or have some other problem

learn how to use the board
hint: I have had 90%+ of threads on the catalogue hidden for years

if you don't know, and you can't figure it out yourself, then you don't belong there anyway, sorry

Dumb question and I should've known this. You're right.

they're all exactly like this

You're only realizing this NOW?

Slavshits found this board.

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>What happened?

you grew up
we're still peter pan

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