Why is Any Forums shocked about Russian military incompetence when Russia was always bad at war...

Why is Any Forums shocked about Russian military incompetence when Russia was always bad at war? The only reason Germany lost in world war 2 was because the Germans didn't have the resources to continue the war. Even when the Germans were retreating from the eastern front they were destroying/killings shitloads of Russian tanks, airplanes and soldiers but the Russians just kept sending them more. Russia has always had the highest casualty rate of any country. What's happening in Ukraine with the Russian army losing shitloads of military vehicles and soldiers is perfectly normal for Russia. It isn't just western propaganda.

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Russia is crushing Ukraine, the incompetence stories are fake news put out by Ukraine's Baghdad Bob equivalents

Russia annexed Ukraine in just 2 days and then just sat by

Germany lost both world wars

We are not.
We are shocked at the level of shitty fakery you fucking spin doctors are resorting to.
Crappy old movie set photos, and fuckin PC game screenshots.
Fuck off and die "Public Relations".

PS: you are REALLY shit at your job.
Put some fucking effort into it hey?
This shit is just insulting.

Attached: Yaaay_Its_Nuclear_War_Again.jpg (474x273, 20.47K)

You can cherry pick tactical battles all you want.
The Russians at the operational level and above absolutely handed Nazi Germany their ass after 1942.


Russia is doing incredibly though. Stop listening to Jewish propaganda.

Also, your stupid dummy photos are all completely anatomically incorrect.
Fuck you.

they usually get rekt in the first round then come back and level everything.

>Russia was always bad at war?
I can tell you never fought them

>I'm a retarded faggot
Why would you say that about yourself?

Russia are white peoples mexicans. They are almost always grossly incompetent. See sochi Olympic construction for examples. In Russia's entire history, they have never had a democratic transfer of power. They are forever under the yoke of a despot and they like it this way. But even though they fight like drunken retards, they are still suicidal ...build massive nukes enough of which some might actually work .. and will more then likely be responsible for humanity's' destruction. They are actively making cobalt torpedoes that would make radioactive tsunamis big enough to leave the entire atlantic coast inhabitable for millions of years.

This. Most people do a better job for free here.

>The only reason Germany lost in world war 2 was because the Germans didn't have the resources to continue the war
you can literally say this about any army at any point in history wtf lol

lol by any metric russia is doing terribly. They cannot invade their much smaller, much weaker enemy without massive troop and vehicle losses.

We invaded the 5th largest military and destroyed them in under a week - and they were halfway across the world

With what CGI?
Are you saying I should just cope with the fakery?

Don't care, you're a tranny, that's a ukrainian, hail Russia, hail Putin, and FUCK joe biden.

so they want Russia to appear weak so we will be willing to engage thinking it will be easy to accomplish?

the fuck outta here

no more wars against non elites

thats not yukrop camo

>Why is Any Forums shocked about Russian military incompetence when Russia was always bad at war?
i think less people were aware at just how fucking corrupt the russian government are; people assumed they had the money to fund very advanced weapons but the reality is that the russian gov are just corrupt kikes that it's evident that military budgets just mostly went into their own pockets

I'm CIA asset and approve this post

Actually Russian tanks were more advanced.

Russians are poor.
The Russian army is not the US army.
This is just how they fight.
Soldiers are unmotivated, poorly trained/equiped, and inefficient.
But they end up doing what they're told
Get killed a lot in the process
But they do what they're told however ineffeciently and clumsily.

>just how fucking corrupt the russian government are;
about the same as USA or UK with a surprisingly low amount of publicly outed pedophiles