Name my Band guyz!

>my feet hurt and I'm tired already from all this standing around
>it's c-cold guys
>when do we eat?
>I hope it doesn't rain today.
>my smartphone battery is almost dead
>where are the girls at they promised me?
>wtf am I even doing here?

name my band

Attached: ukr_newrecruits.png (571x815, 942K)

I hope they get taken alive and get to experience Siberian reeducation

>name my band

More Balls than POL

Attached: multikulti pol 1.png (632x474, 407.51K)

The Dead Hohols

knee pads for sucking dick

Hi plebbit!
upboated for sure!

More young dead white men while niggers reproduce like wildfire

It was the jews everytime the jews, jews did this it’s time to do something about these jews

Whilst the kikes get bus rides out and sage passage to Israel.

head, eyes

>I hope they get taken alive and get to experience Siberian reeducation
Those kneepads will come in handy

>3 days
Just shoot them now.

>doesn't have boots with at least 8" of ankle support
oof, definitely ngmi

>sleeping bag=check
>skateboard kneepads=check

Attached: 1605710148415.jpg (620x465, 38.42K)

>Mohammed in the background by the tree
kek Globohomos have a sense of humor it seems

oh no EPIC redditors owned us again...

stop making fun
be thankful the memes write themselves

>looks at trainers
>nods sadly

>he's mad they didn't let him keep his new globohomo chinese-made skateboard

no socks either
whats the temp there anyway?

Dead Fags


Lol this is the group that took out the ebtire chechnian army.

The Four Biden Pipelines

Guns n Hohols

The New Kids on the Russian Cock

The See Yas.

Andrey Bulba