Does every single person alive have, in their ancestry...

Does every single person alive have, in their ancestry, at least one conception by means that would be considered rape today?

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Yeah, what a stupid question.

All sex is rape

Your dad raped the shit out of your mom, OP.

Yes, obviously.

I hope, sex is just boring rape

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Not me, I was spontaneously generated.

Everything is considered rape today so...

And pedophilia, especially according to the meme definition of it.

Rape incest pedophilia was very common.

Not so much incest with siblings more like cousin marriage. Rape had a very narrow definition, and it was a property crime against the male that was taking care of the female.

I traced my liniage back to 1842 where the tree branches without a male connection. Either rape or prostitute liniage.

Can neither be confirmed or denied.

Rape used to be fugging a woman without the consent of her male guardian (father, husband, etc). It's derived from the Latin world for theft after all. So, nearly all modern women have been raped in the eyes of our forebears, too.

Yeah, my son does

We didn’t even stop cousin marriage until about 100 years ago kek, tfw aristocracy. But no “rape” in my line as we are all legitimate. Maybe one of the women didn’t like who she married (maybe) but that would be the worst of it for at least 1000 years, afaik, and probably the bloodline is older still.

But we’re Norman so we definitely raided and raped all of you fine people. Check your V02 max and endurance abilities, thats from us, you’re welcome. Go forth my super mutants, embrace your legacy

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Every two living creatures have a common ancestor.

Kek wtf Ivan

By definition my kids were born of statutory. My wife was 10 when l impregnated her. When you impregnate cunny, her hormones causing her to grow go into overdrive, and your kids come out like chads. Fresh dna from the mother. Women past 27 give birth to betas.

Old McDonald had a rape. EIEIO! With a rape-rape here and a rape rape there! Here a rape. There a rape. Everywhere a rape, rape, RAPE-RAPE!!!

My sister was so cute growing up and she turned into a bitchy roasty, literally because when she was 11 she tried to bang me but l said no like a teenage idiot she would have turned out so sweet had l just stuck it in her we all make mistakes.

Damn that sucks user

Bruh cousin marriage is legal in more states than it is not. It's still the most common type of marriage in the world, iirc

>All sex is rape
This. The 2nd-wave feminists were right about this thing, just not in the way they imagined.

Wym no male connection? Father unknown? You might check the parish (church) records in the area at the time for marriage and baptism records, might be just someone didn’t know the husband’s name.

every single lineage has a murderer, pedophile, etc etc - guaranteed
that's just how it is

Embarrased Muslim spotted.

Yeah definitely

Yeah it didnt hurt us at all. High IQ, lots of athletic people in the line, no real pattern of genetic illness. Most people in the recent past drop dead around 95 or so. Can recommend. I fucked a cousin once, should have married, but it didn’t work out.

yes, obviously

More like thousands upon thousands such conceptions. I'm not even exaggerating.

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duh. Ever heard of raping and pillaging? You look at the y chromosome thru history and you will see lots of rapebabies.

Nigel, if you are a pleb your village had about five or six families in it for most of history. At least we did it for power. Your people probably did it for lack of options.

However being Norman, we definitely injected your line at some point. Not that we’d know you.