I've lost faith in the White race. If we're the most superior race...

I've lost faith in the White race. If we're the most superior race, why is it most Whites are so easily coerced into falling for Jewish tricks, whether out of stupidity or selfishness? It's not like I'm free of blame either, I know my own weaknesses. I just wish it didn't have be this way, I don't want the parasites to win.

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we're all parasites user. and the atom is the cure.

I don't want the world to be nuked, there are many beautiful things to be found. I still believe Whites are superior in many ways, like creativity and spirit, but it feels like evolution is selecting for the most parasitic creatures to rule instead.

Just be happy your mind is not controlled. Knowing the majority is easily manipulated gives you the insight you can get what you want by playing on people's emotions too. Money, women, etc. you can get it all in the amount you desire relative to the amount of theatre you'll willing to inflict upon them. You can make them belief things that aren't true, because they can't trust on their own logic and memory to protect them from you, should you ever want to use them for personal gain. Embrace what the world has given you.

Whites have been successfully subverted on a massive scale.
It was over since WW2. Enjoy our last decades as majority white.


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How did Hitler do it? How was that one man able to do the unthinkable and rally so many White men and women to a cause as beautiful as National Socialism?

I'm not a parasite, believe it or not. It's just not in my nature to play that game.

He managed such thing before the eugenics movement was entirely deconstructed. European people still viewed themselves as a superior race back then. Now that every single European child is taught we're all the same race, there is not a single chance whites will unite again to create a white nation.
Hitler was an amazing person, but his overconfidence in the german people doomed us all. He digged the grave of the white race by associating his name with it.

hey anons, i have a question: are Jews white?

This is what I am talking about. Whites are supposed to be intelligent, they should be able to realize the obvious that we're superior to others. Evolution and natural selection are even taught in schools now despite Christian protests, why can't they put two and two together and know that it also applies to humans?

Most of all, why is it that Hited cannot keep themselves from waging war against each other ?

Is the implication here that brown people don't fall for Jewish tricks? Or that Jewish people themselves don't fall for their own bullshit?

They're not duperior, theyre different. Superiority doesnt exist in nature, such a conceptbremoved from mathematics makes no sense. 1 and 1 are equal, no human equals anlther, much less a race.

Think of it this way. Whites are able to form their own successful societies to the benefit of the entire race. Whereas Jews operate as a few people leeching off the fruits of innumerable others - even in Mein Kampf, written a century ago, Hitler pointed out that Israel only acts as a base of operations for international Jewry, the way they become rich is by parasiting off others.

The White race is dying
Glory to the superior nigger race

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The implication is Whites are supposed to be the best, we shouldn't fall for the same mistakes lesser beings would.
I know, it's subjective. But I don't want something like parasitism to become what defines superiority.

I'm not saying we're superior. However, homogeniety within a country is vastly superior, no questions about that, as no question regarding race is ever raised in them.
Many problems are avoided thanks to that. A diverse world of homogenous nations and cultures is always prefered to a worldwide single globohomo culture.
The particularity of most White countries is that they're rich and tolerant, therefore they attract everyone, including the worst of niggers.
The thing is, most whites don't live near poor niggers coming from foreign countries, but whites are taught welcoming them is a nice thing. They start realizing they're a problem once they live near them.

Jews are white too.

It's compassion. His greatest virtue is also his greatest weakness.

I would also expect them to be more curious and inquisitive, not staying in their own little bubble. Explore the world around you, ask questions, and you will arrive at the answer eventually.
I'm not convinced. If you ask me, it's more usually just cowardliness painted with a facade of being compassion.