Which way is better to flee from hellhole?

Which way is better to flee from hellhole?

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Jump out a window

Litterally through Ucraine, man

why would you want to flee? I consider emigrating into Russia at some point. EU is not the a paradise. You have work and money but apart from that most things are worse than in Russia.

i am insulted you wouldnt come to finland

>Russian in North Africa
You will melt, only a pool of vodka shall remain.

Find some rope and join the 41%

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>I consider emigrating into Russia at some point
enjoy working for 100€ for a month

go to ukraine, kill a hohol and use his passport to migrate poland.

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Seriously bro, even Sweden is inifinitely less cucked.
Your grandchildren will be mulattos if you come to France.

If you go by road/train you should go to the Balkans.
If you go by air, the closest hubs avaliable to you now are Istambul and Dubai.

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goa and bring some women with you.
russian prostis are top dollar here

You can never flee the memories of getting ass raped during conscription, Boris.


Through Baltics my friend.

Caucasus, not Balkans - I always get confused with them LOL

sry man i doubt i csn learn your language and your climate is the same as saint petersburg what means shitty

Come to latvia, I'd say 1/2 know Russian language here so you'd feel at home.

This. Work, money, freedom of press and expression, access to global markets and free travel but that's about it.

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Why do you want to move? Isn't your country paradise? That's what everybody here is telling me

You are the traitor and must be executed at border.

georgia and out would be easiest

>going in France

bro youre fucking insane

Germans getting bored of Freedom??
What a world we live in, well it'll prep you well when China takes it comrade

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there's warm and money at the same time, easy to get asylum

>One of the most wealthy nations in the world
>I consider emigrating into Russia at some point because they're "based"

Bruh.... May as well emigrate to Venezuela or Nigeria. This will be you.

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Enjoy seeing your children growing up in a 85% african neighborhood in France. Enjoy Macron and Merkel telling you when to get random vaccination of unclear substance or otherwise you can't leave the house. Seriously what's worth? If Russia makes you depressed, you're not going to survive living in 21st century Europe.


Russia has all of that too but with even more problems.

depends on how many ethnies you want to see during your trip
going south you will see no difference between the journey and the destination

>Which way is better to flee from hohol?

our mad president probably can "denazify" latvia as well, so nope

The one with less opposition

they're delusional idiots

You don't have freedom of expression though.

Why are you coming here?
Do you happen to love niggers and arabs?

I'm not so materialistic. Living in realtive poverty is a small price to pay for our children not being raped by pakis or brainwashed by tiktok traps