How many days does he have left?

How many days does he have left?

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I don't even know who the fuck that is.

I fucking hate this faggot.

two weeks

He's a boomer who asked an officer in Russia to kill Putin. His bootstraps apparently aren't what they used to be so he has to ask somebody else to get the job done.

The Ghost of Kyiv will protect her


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this isn't gaddafis or husseins or assads head he's calling for. looks like this aids ridden homo has completely lost the plot.

Nothing will happen because he is a Rhino. The people of S. Carolina are idiots .

Say he does get taken out. What would the reaction be?

One of the top 5 Republican senators

I would be hype


The number of days she has left is equal to the number of ladybugs she has. So I am afraid we are stuck with Lindsey for a while.

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>someone that says they are republican and have a R after their name is definitely a republican goy

Nigger you should know that

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Dead man walking.

And every Russian, group fighting has a video out about how great warriors they are, but are afraid of this man's advice.
Russia's weakness shows, by being a crybaby.
Better Russia takes Putin out then Putin invite the USA to war.

USA is built on war. Your a cream puff.

Not few enough.

After Ukraine is taken.

The chechan leader out bounty's on the Ukraine's officers, but the USA can't say anything ?
Get real you can what ever you want because the USA can do it also and with a mass scale.

Turn Moscow into Yemen, then the rest of Russia.

>cant tell if retarded or just retarded

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