Are the Russian people capable of overthrowing Putin?

Are the Russian people capable of overthrowing Putin?

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there it is, she's mentioning some brothers

What % of Russians support what he’s doing?

They don’t even care about Ukraine, they just wanna eat tomorrow

Why would they? So they could get some globohomo installed puppet to siphon their natural resources use their labor, and embezzle their taxes? Sounds like a dumb idea to me.

So they can eat.

Hmmm starve to death or get a job working for a Jew and afford to feed your family

That’s a tough one

The people probably not.
It will take some pissed off oligarchs or generals to take him out.

>to siphon their natural resources use their labor, and embezzle their taxes?

Yeah that would be such a big change from now for the Russian people.

I don't think they are. Russia will go into massive turmoil tho'. It's not 1917 yet but maybe 1905. Russia may even disintegrate or it may go to full military-faschist. Remains to be seen. Putin is gone anyway but thats due circumstances rather than Russian people.

No, they are too retarded and they have no balls.
Also, they will pick another monki who will show them a Russian map from USSR times or Russian Empire to bolster imperialist aggressive nationalism.

The only way to stop them is sadly to revert them to mid-XX century. Their whole nation consists of lunatics, maniacs and megalomaniacs.

But if you go back to the mid-20th century you find another megalomaniac l.

Dont worry we are sending Czechoslovakian legion again to Russia. We are already preparing trains which will be filled with russian gold reserves.

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no, but the oligarchs can

There's been protests over the years against conscription and the conflicts Putin has initiated. Young Russian men will do anything to avoid the draft because they get brutalized. The oligarchs bribe to get their sons out of it. The government keeps a tight lid on dissent and the media is not allowed to report on it. So people have to overcome that hump before a movement can get momentum because small outbreaks of dissent get cracked down.

ye but they will be able to only make nuts, send us timber and gas.
They will be nothing while the whole world goes forward.
Also it will be funny when such underdeveloped nation spends 15% of their GDP into re-armament only to be beaten by potato farmers again.

I wish Russia had a Lenin waiting in the wings at this point.


What comes next will probably make you very sick.

A combination of the people and generals growing some balls.

>They have to be poor and brutalized by their government and sent off to fight their white brothers with poor training and morale or otherwise a drag queen might read a book in a library. Freedom is Jewish.
>Haha no I'm not moving there. My freedom isn't Jewish only other people's freedom is.

>globohomo installed puppet to siphon their natural resources use their labor, and embezzle their taxes

They already have that

What tools do the oligarchs have to put pressure on Putin? He seems to be untouchable in his own country, on par with Xi or Kim Jong Un.

The point of that would be?
The only way Putin would go down, is if he keeps on protecting the pro liberals faggots in governments.

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It is their fault they voted Putin and he still has over 50% support.
It is the Russian nation and their view of how the world should look not Putin he is only the one who promised them that in 2005 and afterwards.

I don’t think elections mean anything in Russia anymore.

Better to let your own steal from you than let some American do it.

He was still winning them, he was just tweaking numbers to make it look over 70% of the people voted for him.
Russian nation voted for this for over 20 years.
And hasn't changed the course even once.